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today, 9:32

> good morning sunshine

uhhh <
who is this <

> the man of your dreams

change contact?
bang chan

good morning chan <
you're up early <

> how did you know it was me :0
> did you dream of me ?

no that just sounds like something you'd say <

> oh
> so what's up?
> wyd today?

i have work <

> work?? D:

yes <
unlike you i need to work for my money <

> you wouldn't need to work if you just joined our team

idk <

> whatever
> when you finish, come over

why? <

> cuz i wanna see you duh
> see you later ;)

alright <

Felix sighed then turned off his phone and got out of bed for the first time this morning. It was about time he started getting ready anyways.

He went and took a shower, changed into his work clothes and ate breakfast.

By the time he was done everything it was about 10. They open at 11 so he was making good time.

Felix works at a fried chicken restaurant. He mostly does deliveries though.

When he gets to work he sees his co-worker there and greets him with a smile.

"Hey Seungmin!" Felix said.

"Oh, hi Lix!" Seungmin smiled back. "I know you just got here, but you have a delivery already." He said as he packed the bag with chicken.

"Really? We just opened." Felix said then went to the back to put his stuff away.

"Yeah." Seungmin said. "Someone was really eager to order today. They called right at 11."

Felix grabbed the helmet and the bag and began making his way outside. "Be right back." He said and Seungmin gave him a small wave.

Felix put the helmet on, the chicken behind him in the basket, got on the electrical scooter and made his way to the destination.

He put the address in gps and followed it.

"This address sounds so familiar." Felix mumbled to himself.

As he drove there, he began to recognize where he was going and what neighbourhood he was entering.

"Oh great." He said as he realized where he was.

He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell with a sigh.

The door opened in two seconds and Felix came face to face with a smirking Chan.

"Hello sunshine." Chan said with a wink.

"H-hi Chan hyung." Felix blushed. He's really gotta stop letting these pet names get to him. "Your chicken." He said quietly.

"Thank you. I was so hungry." Chan said and took it from him and walked inside.

"Wha- hey! You gotta pay!" Felix said and followed him in.

"You're so cute." Chan said and knocked the cap of Felix's hat.

The younger pouted and folded his arms.

"I'll pay because it's you." Chan said then took out his wallet and handed him money.

"So what? Are you like eating chicken for breakfast?" Felix asked.

"Yep. Only because I wanted to see you though." Chan replied.

"W-what?" Felix said with his face turning red.

"I knew you worked there so I ordered to see you."

"Well that seems like a stalker move but alright." Felix mumbled. "You couldn't have just waited to see me after work like we planned?"

"No." Chan said then walked closer to him, bringing their faces closer together. "I couldn't wait that long."

"I- I- I have to go back to work!" Felix kind of yelled and moved back.

"Okay then go on." Chan smirked.

"Bye!!!" He said and ran out of the house, almost bumping into Changbin on the way out. Chan just watched him run out and laughed.

"What's going on down here? What happened to Felix." Changbin asked and he approached the kitchen where Chan was.

"Heh he's so adorable." Chan said to himself and blushed. "Lixie is so so cute." He then went to eat the chicken. He must've not noticed the others presence.

"What the fuck...?" Changbin said quietly and observed Chan. He quickly turned around and ran back upstairs.

"Jisung!" Changbin said and burst into his room.

"What? What?" Jisung asked.

"Don't go downstairs for a while." Changbin quickly joined him in the bed.

"Why?" Jisung said then blushed at the feeling of Changbin wrap his arms around him.

"It's Chan hyung... he's so scary right now we need to hide." Changbin said then put the covers over them.

Jisung giggled. "And you call me childish."


okay NOW i'm gonna study for my chemistry quiz

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