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The blond male watched as the guy who just donated walked away.

Once he seemed to be well on his way, he threw away the fake pamphlets, picked up his bag and left.

"People fall for everything." Chan smirked to himself.

He crossed the street and went into a black SUV.

"I can't believe that stupid plan worked." Chan said as he sat down in the passenger seat.

Changbin laughed as he started the car and began driving off.

"You got card information from three dumbasses." Jisung said from the backseat as he plugged the chip into his computer. "Let's see how much we can take from them."

"I also got some cash too." Chan said and showed the collection jar from his bag.

"See hyungs? I told you faking a dog shelter would work. People love dogs these days." Jisung said. "I'm a genius." He smirked to himself.

"Okay genius start withdrawing before people realize this dog shelter doesn't exist." Changbin said.

"Okay, okay." Jisung mumbled.

When they got home, Chan went to his room to go lie down for a bit.

Staying up basically all night really effects you in the morning.

"Chan hyung!" Jisung said as he stormed into his room.

"What is it?" He groaned.

"Oh, were you sleeping? Sorry." The younger apologized and sat down in the edge of his bed.

"Whatever. What do you want?"

"Um- I was wondering if I could use one of the cards we got today to buy some of my own stuff..." Jisung said. "Cuz last time we got card info you said that I could next time."

Chan sat up and looked at him. "Buy your own stuff, huh?"

Jisung just nodded and anticipated his response.

"Okay fine, only one card. Just withdraw from the rest." Chan said.

The younger's face lighted up with a smile. "Okay!!"

Jisung quickly ran back to his room and went on the computer. He picked one card to use and looked at the card owners name.

"Lee Felix." He read out loud. "Must be a foreigner."

"Oh well." He shrugged. "Thank you Lee Felix for my new pc." He smiled.

Felix sat down on his laptop later that day and checked his emails.

He scrolled a bit and saw at least five emails for purchase verifications.

"But I never bought anything." He mumbled in confusion.

He finally opened up one email and almost fainted at what he saw.

Someone spent almost $7,000 on electronics and games.


i totally didn't forget to post this part no no

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