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2 years later

Felix got out of bed and stretched his arms in the air.

He sighed as he went to go take a shower and get ready for work.

Saturday's to him have been so boring lately. It's just go to work then go home.

But whatever. He makes the best of it.

"Hey Seungmin." Felix said as he enters work

"Hey Lix." Seungmin greeted him.

He then pulled out a stack of papers and handed it to him.

"You're distributing flyers today." Seungmin said with a smile.

"Damn." Felix groaned. He hated being on flyers. Standing outside, on your feet for two hours. It's not an ideal situation.

He sighed and grabbed the papers and made his way to a busy area.

"Come get fried chicken! It's delicious!" Felix called out as everyone walked by him.

Some people took flyers, some straight up ignored him. It was exhausting. He sat down on a bench and sighed.

He looked around at everyone walking by, then down at his shoes.

"I met Channie here." He thought to himself. "When he scammed me with the dog shelter. I was so gullible." Felix chuckled at himself.

"But if I wasn't gullible then I would've never met him." Felix thought then and looked up at the sky.

He misses Chan. A lot. He thinks about him all the time.

"What are you thinking about?"

"My Channie." Felix sighed and continued looking at the sky.


Felix now just realized we wasn't daydreaming anymore and someone was actually speaking to him.

He looked to see who was speaking to him and he bursted into tears.

Chan who he's missed for two years. The voice that he's been aching to hear was all of a sudden in front of him.

"Ch-Channie!" He jumped up and gave him a hug so tight, as if he will slip away if he lets go.

Chan hugged him back. "I missed you Felix." He mumbled into his neck.

"How did you know I was here? What happened? When did you get out?" Felix interrogated him through tears.

"I got out today. The first thing I did was look for you." Chan said. "I just had a feeling you'd be here."

"Don't— don't ever leave me again." Felix said through sniffles.

Chan cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I won't. I love you."

Felix tried to stop crying and kissed him again. "I love you too."


lmaoo got ya

but like second book i have an epilogue in shocking

never thought i'd be writing epilogues cuz i don't really like them but here we are

anyways thanks for readinggg!!

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