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"W-what?" Felix asked in shock and confusion. Jisung looked at Chan equally confused.

"Why don't you come with us next time we go out and you can steal it back yourself." Chan said with a smirk on his face.

"Steal?" Felix said. "Why can't you just give it back?"

"Well, Jisung here already spent it. When the order is already processed how are we gonna get it back?"

"Refund?" Felix questioned.

"T-there was no refunds." Jisung added and scratched the back of his neck.

"See?" Chan smirked yet again.

"But hyung! Why would you want him to come with us?!" Jisung said.

"Yeah- I don't wanna associate myself with you con-artist!" Felix said in a worried tone. He's never done anything to break the law before. The worst thing he's probably done was jaywalk, and now they want him to come along and steal from others?!

"Well excuse you but us con-artists make more money in a day than your annual salary." Jisung snapped.

"Okay, but you do it illegally!" Felix protested.

"Guys fucking stop." Chan said annoyed. "Are you gonna come with us to get your money back or not sweetie?" He said to Felix.

"I have a name you know, it's Felix." He said. Listening to Chan call him pet names is making him feel some kinda way he doesn't want to feel.

"Okay Felix, are you going to come with us or not?" Chan asked.

"Ugh! I don't know this is so confusing." Felix said then stormed out of the room. "I'm going home, I'll tell you what I decide later!"

Jisung looks at Chan in confusion.

"Go after him!" Chan said.

"What? Me? Why!" Jisung whined.

"This is your fault you spent $7,000 on the card, so go." The older said. "And now he knows where we live so he can tell the police about us anytime so go watch him!"

Felix marched down the hallway. He was pretty pissed. These people took his money now he has to go with them on one if their 'scamming adventures' to get his money back.

He turned the corner then bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." Felix mumbled.

"Who are you?" The male in front of him asked.

"Changbin hyung! Good you caught him." Felix hears Jisung say as he jogged up to them.

"Caught me?!" Felix said in disbelief.

Jisung linked their arms together. "We need to stay together, Lixie."

Changbin looked at the two in confusion.

"Don't call me that." Felix said annoyed. "I'm going home." He tried to remove his arm from Jisung's grip but failed.

"I'm coming too." Jisung smiled.

"Whatever." Felix rolled his eyes and began walking out with Jisung clinging onto him.

Changbin shrugged and watched the two walk out of the house.

"I'll just ask Chan later." He shrugged and went to his room.

"So Felix, who's your new friend?" Minho asked while looking at Jisung who was watching some show on phone on the couch.

Felix rolled his eyes. "He's the guy that stole-"

"Better watch your mouth Lix. Channie hyung will get really mad if you tell anyone what happened." Jisung said.

Felix got up from the table and walked over to the couch and looked down at him.

"I don't give a fuck if Chan gets mad-"

"Well I do! It's me who suffers, not you!" Jisung put his phone down and stood up so they would be face to face.

"Well then suffer! This is your fault anyways." Felix folded his arms.

"Yes- I know and I'm sorry." Jisung took a deep breath and moved closer to his ear. "So just come with us and steal it back because for some reason Chan hyung wants you to."

Minho looked at them in curiosity, wondering what they need to talk about so secretly.

Felix looked at Minho then back and Jisung and sighed.

"How are we even gonna do that anyways?" Felix mumbled. "Steal- steal it back." He cannot believe he is actually considering this.

"I don't know. Changbin and I just follow what Chan tells us to do." He started. "But the way we got your card was my idea." Jisung smiled.

"I don't care who's idea it was." Felix rolled his eyes. "I- I'll go with you guys on one of your scamming trips and get my money back, then we can go back to our normal lives and live happily without seeing each other again." He said.

"Great!" Jisung smiled.

"Anyone care to explain to me what the hell is going on and who this person you seem so close with all of a sudden is?" Minho said and now joined them in the living room.

"I'll explain later-" Felix started but then was cut off by Jisung.

"No you won't." He smiled at Minho then linked his and Felix's arms.

"Lixie and I have somewhere to be so if you'll excuse us." Jisung said and began dragging Felix to the door.

"I'll call you later hyung!" Felix called.

And with that, the two of them left, leaving Minho very confused in Felix's apartment.


i totally didn't forget about this book

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