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"Felix sweetie, wake up~"

Felix shifted in bed and slowly opened his eyes to see Chan sitting beside him.

"God. I'm even dreaming of him now?" Felix mumbled, still half asleep.

"This isn't a dream Lixie~" Chan smirked.

"Huh?!" Felix shot up. He was fully awake. He was about to yell, but the older placed his hand over his mouth quickly.

"You left your window wide open. It was basically an invitation for me to come in here." Chan started and removed his hand from Felix's mouth. "Ya know that's dangerous to do, you're only on the second floor. It's not that hard to get in."

"I leave it open because it's nice to sleep with the summer breeze." Felix folded his arms. "Not so you can bring yourself in here whenever you please." He said and Chan laughed.

"H-how long have you been here anyways?" Felix asked.

"Long enough." Chan replied. "You're very cute when you sleep."

The younger groaned, then got out of bed and stretched his arms in the air.

"I'm assuming you didn't eat breakfast." Felix looked at the older up and down. He looked like he just got out of bed, put some slides on and came running over.

"How could you tell." Chan smirked and began walking out of Felix's room.

"I was thinking you could come with us again today. Chan said.

"Uh— I'm not so sure about today..." Felix said quietly.

"Huh? Why not?" Chan asked and Felix sighed.

The two of them finally reach the kitchen and see Jeongin in there, already cooking some eggs.

"That's why." Felix said quietly.

Chan rolled his eyes. "His friend even stayed over?!"

"Good morning Felix hyung!" Jeongin said with a smile, then looked over at Chan. "Oh? Since when were you here?"

"It doesn't matter— Chan sit down I'll make you some eggs. How do you like them?" Felix said and started going to the stove.

"Over medium. Thank you my husband." Chan said and happily skipped over to the table.

"Hyung, I already made you some," Jeongin said. "Can't he just make them himself."

"Thanks Jeongin!" Felix said. "I'll eat them right after I finish Channie hyung's. Don't worry they won't take long. Go start eating."

Jeongin just nodded and walked over to the kitchen table and sat right I front of Chan.

"So, who are you?" Jeongin said and took a bite of his food.

"Why does it matter who I am?" Chan replied.

"Who are you to Felix?" Jeongin asked.

"You seem very nosey, little boy." Chan said.

"I want to know." Jeongin said.

"Well you can't always get what you want." Chan spat.

"You seem really comfortable with him."

"That's cuz I am." He said coldly and the two didn't share another work after that.

A few minutes of uncomfortable silence went by. Chan's stomach was grumbling and the smell of bacon wasn't helping. Finally after a few more minutes, Felix came.

"Here you go hyung." Felix came and placed a plate in front of Chan, then took a seat beside him with his own plate.

Chan looked at his plate, it had three eggs, bacon and two chocolate chip eggo waffles.

"Oh my Gosh even waffles!" Chan turned to Felix and smiled. "Thank you! I have the best husband." Chan leaned in and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"Y-you're welcome..." He blushed.

"I thought you were only going to make eggs. That's a lot of food." Jeongin said.

"W-well I was, but then I realized that probably wasn't enough to fill him cause I remember that day he ordered chicken and ate two servings for himself." Felix explained.

"Awe sweetie how considerate." Chan said as he ate the food.

Jeongin just rolled his eyes and ate his food too.

"Hey why don't we all do something today." Felix said.

"All together?" Chan asked.

"Yeah. I mean we're all here." Felix started. "It's hot outside! Let's go to the water park!"

"Sure." Jeongin said then glared at Chan. "I'd love to."

"Okay darling, whatever you want." Chan said as he turned to Felix. "God. Today is gonna be a long day."



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