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"You actually think he's here?" Jisung turned to Changbin who was about to knock on the door to Felix's apartment.

"Chan only talks to us and Felix. There's a really high chance he'll be here." Changbin replied and knocked on the door three times.

They waited a bit but there was no answer.

"What if they're not home—" Jisung started.

"Why are you here again?"

The two of them look to their right and see Hyunjin and Minho walking down the hall towards them.

"And why are you here." Jisung said to Hyunjin as he folded his arms.

"We're here to see Felix." Hyunjin sassed back.

"Well he's not answering the door." Jisung said.

"That's really weird, he's not answering his phone. What if something happened to him?" Minho said.

"Chan isn't answering his phone either..." Jisung said turning to Changbin. "What if they got murdered?!"

"Sungie that's a stretch." Changbin sighed.

"What if something's really wrong." Hyunjin said.

"You guys are overreacting." Minho said.

"Let's go in and check." Jisung said. "We need to see if Chan hyung is in there or not."

"Why would whoever this Chan guy is be in there, and why does it matter so much to you guys." Hyunjin said.

"Because him and Felix are close, and we need to talk to him." Changbin said.

Minho sighed. "Well I have the key to Felix's place."

"You do?!" They said in unison.

"Yes, Felix gave it to me for emergencies."

"Then use it!" Hyunjin said.

"This isn't really an emergency—"

"Yes it is! We need Chan hyung now!!" Jisung said.

Minho sighed once again. "Fine."

He walked towards the door and unlocked it.

Hyunjin and Jisung barged into the apartment, while Changbin and Minho just followed.

They all went straight to Felix's room and to their surprise, there lied a sleeping Chan and Felix, arms and legs tangled with one another's.


"Chan hyung!"

The said males slowly began to wake up to the yelling of their names.

"Wha- what are you guys doing at my house?!" Felix said, finally waking up and realizing what was going on.

"So Chan hyung spent the night here." Changbin said in a quiet voice to Jisung.

"I knew there was something going on." Jisung replied.

"We came because we got worried." Hyunjin said. "You weren't answering your phone we thought something was wrong."

Chan finally woke up now and sat up along with Felix.

"Why are you guys here?" Chan said to them and yawned.

"We need you back at home..." Jisung started.


"It's... you know..." Changbin said, not wanted to spill information in front of Felix and his friends.

Chan understood what he meant though.

"Shit." He mumbled under is breath.

"Why? What's wrong?" Felix asked confused.

Chan got out of the bed and picked up his shirt off the floor and quickly put it on before leaning down and giving Felix a kiss on the lips.

"I need to go. I will call you later." Chan said.

"Alright..." Felix frowned. He wanted to know what's wrong. It seemed serious. He watched as Chan left the room in a hurry with Changbin and Jisung following him.

Felix spent the whole entire day with Hyunjin and Minho.

He had fun. They went to the movies then came back home, played on the switch and did other things.

Chan hasn't texted him all day though, even though he said he would text him later.

Felix sat on his bed after his shower and stared at his phone.

He wants to text Chan but it seemed like what happened was really important, and he must be busy now so he doesn't want to bother him.

But then again, Chan said that he'd text him later and he never did.

Maybe something happened to him?

No I'm sure he's fine.

"Should I call and check up on him?" Felix mumbled. "Yeah. Maybe I should."

Felix pressed his contact name and the phone began to ring.

"The person you are calling in unable to—"

Felix sighed and placed his phone on his night table and turned out the lights to go to sleep, hoping that Chan will call, or at least text him tomorrow.


how are you guys? :)

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