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The next day, Felix went to the bank to deal with the money since he got the $7,000 back.

He happily exits the bank while humming 'feel special' when all of a sudden he bumps into someone.

"Felix, what a wonderful surprise."

"Chan? Hi? What are you doing here?" Felix asked once be noticed who he bumped into.

"I assumed you'd be at the bank." Chan said and shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"How do you know which bank I go to?" Felix questioned.

"We had your credit card information silly." Chan laughed and the younger rolled his eyes.

"Why were you looking for me anyways?"


"You said you assumed I'd be at the bank."

"Oh yeah. I'm bored. Watch a movie with me or something." Chan shrugged.

"W-why don't you ask Jisung and Changbin." Felix said, getting nervous at the thought of being alone with Chan.

"They're doing their own thing today." The older's started. "Come on Felix lets go on a date~"

"D-date?!" Felix said all flustered with his cheeks turning red.

"Damn. Didn't know you liked me that much, I know, it's pretty hard not to fall for me." Chan said with a wink.

"You wish!" Felix folded his arms. He began to walk away to Chan followed.

"So movies?" Chan said with a smirk and put his arm around Felix's shoulder once he caught up to him.


Felix ended up at the movies with Chan.

"I'll pay for your ticket." Chan said when they were approaching the ticket sales.

"What? Why?"

"I'm the one who dragged you here, so I'll pay." Chan explained.

"Okay then, thank you." Felix said and tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

"You like horror movies?" Chan asked when he came back from buying the tickets.

"No, I hate them." Felix replied.

"Good, we're watching one." Chan said.

"What?!" Felix almost shouted.

"So you can hide in my arms when you get scared." Chan smirked.

"God he's so annoying..." Felix folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Well it's starting soon, lets go!" Chan smiled and dragged poor Felix into the movie theatre.

Chan got exactly what he wanted, Felix was hiding in his arms the whole time, he barely looked at the screen.

As much as Felix hates to admit it, he actually liked being in Chan's arms and hiding in his hoodie, it smelled like his nice cologne.

Felix refused to look at the screen, even when Chan told him if was safe to look now.

"Felix the movie is over now." Chan said and the younger finally removed himself from the older's arms.

"How'd you like being in my arms for an hour?" Chan teased.

Felix rolled his eyes and left the movie theatre.

"Hey wait for me!" Chan laughed and followed after him.

Afterward, the two of them decided to get bubble tea.

"So have you decided if you ever want to come on an outing with us again?" Chan asked.

"Yeah... I guess I'll come again..." Felix said quietly then took a sip of his drink.

"Really?!" Chan's face lit up with a smile. Felix was taken aback why this, he's never seen the older smile like that.

"Yeah, I'll come." Felix smiled back.

When Felix got home he lied down in his bed and stared at the ceiling.

Spending the day with Chan is honestly exhausting.

It was actually really fun though. It's nice being in Chan's presence.

Felix sighed then rolled onto his side.

"I think I'm catching feelings."


school starts again tomorrow and my sleep schedule is fucked yaay

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