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"Lix, lemme show you something." Chan said as he took out his laptop.

"What?" Felix asked and sat down beside him on his bed.

"I'm gonna send a 'virus' to a couple IP adresses." Chan said.

"Oh— ok." Felix said and watched, not really what he was expecting Chan to show him but he didn't really care.

After he sent the virus, within a couple of minutes someone gave their credit card information.

"See, easy." Chan smiled.

"Wow." Felix said. "Look at my genius boyfriend Bang Chan."

"Want me to buy you some things?" Chan said and Felix nodded.

Just before they could begin their online shopping, the two of them hear a knock on the door.

"Chan hyung." They hear Changbin call.


"Your dad is here."

Chan pauses for a second then looks at Felix.

"It would be rude if I asked you to stay in here and hide until he leaves right?" Chan said to Felix with an awkward smile.

Felix didn't respond, honestly that would be a better idea. He's literally shitting himself right now. The thought of meeting Chan's dad scared him. He's not even prepared. They just started dating a week ago.

"I don't think he'll be here for long. Let's just go." Chan said. He was honestly nervous too. Why does his dad even need to come here again anyways.

The two of them go downstairs while Changbin and Jisung go upstairs to one of their room.

They sat on the couch across from the armchair where Chan's dad was sitting.

"Why are you back here again, dad?" Chan asked, breaking the silence.

"I am going back to Australia today. Just came to see you before I left." He replied in a cold tone. "Who's this?" He said eyeing Felix.

"This is my boyfriend." Chan said.

"N-Nice to meet you Sir. I am Felix Lee!" Felix said and bowed in his seat.

Chan smiled at how cute and nervous Felix was.

His dad just chuckled dryly. "Shouldn't you be focusing on your studies, rather than dating around?"

"Studies? What studies?" Felix thought then looked at Chan.

"Felix is taking the summer computer science course with me as well. He's a new transfer to our class, that's how we met." Chan said.

Chan's dad just nodded in understanding.

The two of them began to talk for a bit, while Felix tuned them out and thought about how the hell Chan is apparently taking a summer computer science course right now.

After Chan's dad left, the two of them went back upstairs.

"Well you met my dad." Chan said and climbed into bed with Felix, wrapping is arms around him so they could cuddle.

"Yeah I did and I'm confused." Felix said.

"I assumed you'd be." Chan sighed. "Remember last week when I kinda went m.i.a cuz something happened."


"Well that something is my dad." Chan said.

"I'm not really confused about that, I'm confused about studies, are you a student?" Felix asked.

"Well— yes. I'm taking a summer course right now." Chan admitted.


"Seoul National University." Chan said and got quieter each word.

"You go to SNU?! Are you a regular student?! Not just for summer?!" Felix asked in disbelief.

"Yes I go for regular semesters." Chan said with his voice trailing off.

"And you take computer science too! Channie you're so smart!" Felix said.

"Well I mean I never go to class." Chan said and scratched the back of his neck.

"But you still go there!" Felix said.

"Yeah I guess. But the only reason I'm here is because my dad sent me here." Chan started. "He got remarried to my step mom and sent me away so he can live with his new family. At least, that's how I see it."

"Oh..." Felix said, he felt bad.

"I don't really care though I love it here. I have Changbin, Jisung, you and I can do whatever the fuck I want without him catching me." Chan said. "All I gotta do is go to school once every blue moon and write exams."

"Woow my boyfriend is reallyyyy smart if he can do that." Felix said and flipped over so they would be facing each other. "Can write exams and pass without even going to class."

"I mean I study a little, but only when it's time for exams." Chan said, with a slight blush on his face from how much Felix has been complimenting him.

"It's cute when you're flustered." Felix smiled and gave him a quick peck in the lips.


well uh hi

y'all don't understand the creative juices for this book has just not been flowing for me lately

at the beginning of the book I was like yeahh let's go new ideas let's write

but now it's like fuck i should've ended it when they got together what the hell we gon do now

so yea that's why it takes me so long to update cuz i need to think about what the hell i'm gonna write about next

anyways thanks for still reading and not dropping this book

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