9.8K 563 89

Later in the day, Minho came over.

Minho and Felix have known each other since they were young because their parents are close.

"I brought fried chicken for dinner!" Minho smiled and held up a plastic bag.

"Thank God. I was just starting to get hungry." Felix smiled back as he opened the door wider for the older to enter.

"Wow, this place isn't too bad." Minho said and analyzed the place as he walked in.

"I know. I got lucky to find this. It's close to work and school." He replied and sat down together with him at the table.

"You know hyung, something happened to me today." Felix said as they were eating.

"What?" Minho asked in worry. "What is it?"

"Well- you see..." Felix started and avoided eye contact. "I think I got scammed."

"Scammed?!" Minho repeated in shock. "How?!"

"Well, I don't know. But someone used my credit card to spend $7,000." He sighed.

"Holy shit Felix! You need to call the police!" Minho said.

"The police? What will the police do? It's just a credit card. I should call the bank and cancel it." Felix replied.

"How could someone have gotten your card number?" Minho asked.

"That, I'm not sure. I haven't even used my credit card that much today." The younger sat back and thought. "I literally only used it for the cute guy with dimples' dog shelter and groceries."

"Dog shelter?" He questioned.

"Wait the dog shelter..." Felix mumbled. "That guy was cute, but he was also really suspicious. When I looked for him again, he vanished."

"What was the name of it?" Minho asked then pulled out his phone to search it.

"I think it was like happy dog shelter or something." Felix mumbled. "Yeah. Happy dog shelter."

Minho laughed at the stupid name then typed it in.

"There's no such thing as a place like that." Minho said looking down at his phone.

"Come to think of it, the way I paid was weird too. It was like a chip plugged into the phone and I just tapped." Felix said.

"And you didn't think that was strange?!" Minho questioned. The younger shook his head.

Minho sighed. "Well shit Lix, you really did get scammed."

"Like I'm telling you, Chan hyung actually allowed me to this time." Jisung explained happily to Changbin who was doing push-ups on the floor in front of him.

Jisung sat on the older's bed cross legged with his computer in his lap, scanning the screen.

"So what did you buy?" Changbin asked.

"The newest, most expensive pc and then a whole bunch of other games." Jisung explained. "I also bought some new clothes, but not that much."

"Hyung do you want me to buy something for you?" Jisung asked. After hearing no reply from the older, he looked up from his computer screen and saw him still on the floor, doing sit ups this time.

"Hyung!" He repeated.

"Oh, sorry what did you say?" He stopped and looked up at him.

"Can you stop working out and pay attention to me." Jisung pouted and folded his arms.

"Okay, okay." Changbin smiled then got up and sat beside him on the bed.

"Do you want something?" Jisung asked again.

"Alright then, get me a shirt." The older replied.

When they eventually chose a shirt they went to check out and use the same card but it declined.

"Oh shit." Jisung said. "They already found out and canceled the card."

Changbin laughed. "Oh well, guess your shopping spree is over." He said then patted the younger's head.

"Guess so." Jisung shrugged.


oh well

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