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"I am sorry parents I have done you wrong, I am sorry for being such a horrible son, I am sorry for letting you down-"

"Lix you need to calm down." Jisung laughed as Felix was having a nervous breakdown. "Your parents won't even find out about this." He continued to laugh at him.

Changbin briefly looked at the two younger ones sitting in the back through the rear view mirror.

"You sure your new recruit is gonna be okay over there hyung?" Changbin said to Chan who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"He's gonna be fine." Chan said with a smirk. "He's the one who wanted the seven grand back anyways."

Changbin drove them to another rich neighbourhood and stopped a few metres away from a house that looked pretty promising.

"Alright Lixie, you got this." Jisung smiled.

"Are you not coming?" He asked.

"No, I'll stay in the car with Changbin hyung. You get to go with Channie hyung."

Felix looked over at Chan who had a smirk on his face.

"Let's go sweetheart." He said and got out of the car.

Chan handed Felix the hat from the 'plumbing company' they worked at and approached the door.

Felix rang the doorbell and rehearsed his lines in his head.

A middle aged woman answers the door and looks them up and down. "We didn't call for plumbing." She spat.

"Well excuse you." Felix snapped back. "It's time to check your pipe maintenance now."

Chan looked at Felix amused. He was imagining different ways this could go down and this was not one of them.

"I don't need my pipes checked thank you very much." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah? And when was the last time you got them checked?" Felix said.

She stayed quiet, once he saw she wasn't giving an answer he spoke again.

"Exactly. Your pipes are probably rusty and have roaches living in them." Felix said and folded his arms.

"Roaches living in pipes?" Chan thought and smiled at the funny thought.

"Fine! But make it quick." She said then guided them to basement.

She left the two down there then went back upstairs.

"Good job up there pretty boy. Didn't know you had that in you." Chan said quietly so she wouldn't hear from upstairs.

"Th-thanks." Felix said. He really didn't want to feel happy from a compliment like that but he couldn't help it.

"Anyways. What do we do?" Felix asked, changing the topic.

"Just hit one of these pipes. Damage it a little bit." Chan instructed.

So Felix did that with one of the bigger wrenches they had.

They then called the lady back down again.

"Mrs. we found a damaged pipe here." Chan said. "It is a pretty difficult thing to fix."

"Alright I get it. You want me to pay you for your service." She rolled her eyes. "How much is it."

"$7,000." Felix blurted out.

"Are you serious?!" She said in shock.

"Yes. This requires a fix with a tool that is very costly on our side too, and not only has it effected this one pipe, it has had its secondary internal damage on other pipes as well. That is why you cannot see it." Felix said pulling complete bullshit out of his ass, but the lady seemed to believe it.

"Whatever. Fix it!" She said and handed them her card.

Felix happily grabbed it and handed it to Chan where he tapped it on the chip.

"Thank you for the payment. We will return tomorrow with proper repairing tools." Chan said as they began going back upstairs to leave.

"Yeah yeah." The lady said. "I hope tomorrow is the last time I'm seeing you." She then slammed the door in their face.

"Lucky for you, today is the last day you're seeing us." Chan said. Felix giggled and began following the older back to the car.

"Wow wow wow. That was faster than I expected." Jisung said as they entered the car.

"Felix is good at this." Chan said and handed Jisung the chip which he plugged into his computer right away.

"It's nice having you around Felix. Hope come out with us another time." Chan said with a wink while looking at the younger.

"Yeah... whatever." Felix blushed.


does anyone still read this lmao

ignore mistakes didn't proofread

and i'm sorryyy i haven't been updating i've been busy and haven't had motivation to write but i think i'm back into it noww❣️

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