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Felix sighed as he checked his phone once again and saw no new notifications.

He shoved his phone in his pocket and continued making his way home from work.

It's been a whole day now. He really doesn't want to worry, but he can't help it.

Jeongin was coming over later, although he wished he could go see Chan and find out what was happening with him.

"Should I be worrying about Chan so much?" Felix wondered as he kept walking.

"I mean, yeah we kiss and show affection to each other, but we never really said what we are."

"Wait, he wants to be my boyfriend... right..?"

Felix sighed once again and continued on his way home.

After Felix took a shower, he sat down on his couch and waited for Jeongin to arrive.

He was taking awhile.

Finally after a few more minutes he hears the doorbell ring. He gets up and skips over to the door.

"Jeongin what took—" Felix started but then stopped once he saw who was at the door.

"Oh you wanna see Jeongin instead of me? Ouch."

"Channie hyung!!" Felix basically yelled and jumped into his arms

"Hey Felix. What's up?" Chan said with a smile.

"What's up with you?! You got me worried." Felix said and backed away from the hug.

"Worried? Why would you be worried?" Chan said.

"Well uh..." Felix tried to speak but began to blush. "You uh told me you'd text me later, but it's been a day without you contacting me so then I started to get worried because I missed you..."

"You missed me?" Chan said with a smirk and Felix pouted and nodded in return.

"Then I started to think about the worst case scenario, like what if you got arrested or something, I was beginning to get scared." Felix continued and looked down.

"Something like that won't happen baby, I'm smarter than the police." Chan winked.

"Yeah yeah okay." Felix blushed at the pet name he just called him. "Come in, its better than us standing around." Felix said.

They both went in and sat on the couch. Felix quickly texted Jeongin and told him something came up and he can't come over anymore. It was fine since the younger had things to do as well.

"So..." Felix started. "What exactly happened yesterday? Why did Changbin and Jisung come and get you so urgently?"

Chan's smile disappeared from his face when Felix asked this question.

"Well, my father came over." Chan started.

Felix could tell he was kind of uncomfortable talking.

"Umm... that's all I'll say for now. I don't feel like speaking about this, well at least not now." Chan said with his voice trailing off.

Felix was shocked. He's never seen this side of Chan before.

"No no, it's fine I totally understand." Felix said and sat closer beside him on the couch to intertwine their fingers. "You talk about it whenever you feel like you want to." He smiled.

"Thank you sweetheart." Chan smiled.

Felix cleared his throat. "Well there's something else I wanted to talk about."


"Are we dating?" Felix said.

"Yeah, are we not?" Chan said.

"Oh— yeah we are! We just never officially said anything so..." Felix said and avoided eye contact.

"Okay then, if an official statement is what you want I'll give it to you." Chan said. "Lee Felix will you be my boyfriend?"

Felix smiled and kissed Chan on the lips.

"Yes Bang Chan. I will be your boyfriend."


lmaoo look at me dropping in with a short ass update after like three weeks? idk but sorry

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