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Felix couldn't understand this situation that he was in this very moment.

Just a few hours ago they were in bed cuddling together, talking to each other with no worries, and now they are outside running away from police officers in the middle of the night.

The grip Chan had on Felix's hand was tight. The younger had a hard time keeping up with him.

Chan brought the two of them into a skinny alleyway to hide for now.

"H-how did they find us?" Felix asked, as he was panting.

"Someone who wanted to get back at us probably ratted is out." Chan replied, catching his breath as well.

"How about Changbin and Jisung?" Felix asked. The two of them weren't even home when they left.

When they heard the police aggressively knocking at the door, calling Bang Chan's name they climbed out the window and ran.

"I don't know what they were doing but I hope they're fine." Chan said.

"What are we gonna do?" Felix said. His heart was racing. Never in his life he thought he'd be in a police chase. You only see these things in movies.

They could hear footsteps and voices of police men approaching them.

"Channie what are we gonna do?!" Felix asked, holding on to the older's hand.

Chan bit his lip and thought for a second. The police were getting closer and there was no time.

"You're gonna run." Chan said.

"W-what do you mean I'm gonna run? We're both gonna run." Felix said, holding onto his hand tighter.

"No Felix. You go. This is all my fault you're in this mess anyways. Live your life freely. Not as a convict." Chan said.

"No, no- no! Channie stop! I'm not gonna leave you here!" Felix said, his eyes began to tear up.

"You will now go. Run away." Chan said then kissed his lips. "I love you."

"I-I love you too..." Felix said as tears ran down his cheek.

Chan's hand slipped out of his as he stepped out of the alley with his hands up.

Felix's heart broke into pieces. He turned and ran away, as fast as he could, out the other end of the alley. Not daring to look back, he couldn't bare to see what they were going to do to him.

He gripped his chest in pain as tears rolled down his face but he just kept running.

He didn't even know where he was, but he just kept going.

And that was the last time Felix ever saw Chan.


and that's it!!!!! woohoo

thanks for reading i hope you enjoyedddd :))

thanks for reading i hope you enjoyedddd :))

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