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22-year-old Jacob Bixenman- international model, business owner, heir to the Bixenman fortune, and dom.

Despite always knowing he was a dom, Jacob never thought he'd be matched and even if he would have been, he planned on telling his sub 'thanks, but no thanks' and continuing on with his bachelor lifestyle. He didn't even plan on taking the test, you know THE test that determined what person he was to spend his life with, but his dad made him do it. He told Jacob that he HAD to take it and so once Jacob turned 18, he did. At first he was a bit nervous, but years passed with no word of a match and after 4 years, Jacob believed the match would never come....

Jacob had just returned from a show in Milan when he was met by his dad in his house. "Dad? What are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

"How was your trip?" Randy, Jacob's father replied.

"Amazing. I love Italy- I think I could stay there forever."

"Mmmhmm, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Jacob nodded, "So are you just here to ask me about my trip?"

Randy smiled, "Well, no..."

"So, what's going on?" Jacob asked.

Randy sighed, "While you were gone, Brett called saying you received an important parcel and I figured it best for me to look into it before you got back."

"You went through my mail?" Jacob asked incredulously, "and what right does Brett have to call you like that," Jacob said anger evident in his voice, "he works in my fucking kitchen."

"Jacob, don't be rude," Randy sighed pulling out the letter.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "So- what does it say?"

Randy smiled, "Well, you've finally been matched."

"Oh fuck," Jacob frowned and put his hand out for the letter, "is she at least attractive?"

"He," Randy replied, "looks like a nice looking boy."

"He?" Jacob asked in surprise.

"Well, you did say that you preferred men over women..." Randy said handing over the letter.

"Ya, but I just figured they wouldn't match me then," Jacob unfolded the letter and stopped talking as he glanced over it.

"Christ," Jacob spoke up after a few minutes, "he's a fucking child- he just turned 18 like two weeks ago." He then examined his picture and stats. Jacob laughed, "This is a joke, right Dad? You're fucking with me."

Randy shook his head.

"Dad, he's fucking short and I mean from this picture he is alright looking, but nothing to write home about. At risk of sounding like an asshole, I'm a model, I'd never even notice this boy if I walked right by him in the street or hell even if he ran right into me. There must be a mistake."

Randy sighed, "No mistake. I guess you'll just have to give it a shot."

"Or not, I can say no."

Randy shook his head, "Jacob, it's time to grow up and assume some more responsibility in life."

"Well I can do that without this, this twink," Jacob argued.

"Maybe, but you don't have much of a choice."

"I do."

"No, because he's on his way here now."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Jacob asked. Just then there was a buzz at the front gate.

"I told them you were out of town, but that you'd be back today so that it'd be a good day for him to move in and you'd be ecstatic," Randy explained.

"Move in?!? I never even met him!" Jacob sighed, "What's his name even?" Jacob looked back down at the paper. "Who the fuck spells Troy with an e?"

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