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Troye slept soundly next to Jacob, that was until he was shaken awake at three in the morning.

"Is everything ok, sir?" Troye asked sitting up startled.

"Ya, just I'm kind of sick of you being in here so you are dismissed to your own room now," Jacob said coldly.

"Oh," Troye said feeling sleepy and a bit in shock with Jacob's apparent mood swings.

"Like now, Chip. Don't waste my fucking time, I like my sleep," Jacob groaned.

"Sorry, sir," Troye said and quickly slid out of bed. He quietly left Jacob's room and settled into his own. He sighed as the cold sheets of his bed came in contact with his body. He much preferred Jacob's warmth, only Jacob obviously didn't enjoy having Troye around. Honestly, it made Troye feel like shit. He really felt so moved as Jacob kissed him under the stars, but it was all a game to Jacob. Troye meant nothing.

Jacob stretched awake the next morning, got out of bed and took a shower. After getting dressed he moved into the hallway and nearly walked past Troye's door, but paused when he realized Troye probably should eat breakfast. He noticed yesterday, as his hands were wrapped around Troye, that Troye really could afford to put on a couple pounds.

Without knocking, Jacob opened the door.

Troye quickly stood, "Good morning, sir."

"Ya, hey," Jacob said disinterested, "go get some breakfast downstairs and then you can come back up here."

Troye nodded.

"Your words?" Jacob asked.

"Yes, sir," Troye said in a dejected tone and he quickly headed out of the room as Jacob held the door open.

Troye made his way into the kitchen to get something to eat and it was there that he saw Brett.

"Good morning, Brett," Troye said.

Brett shook his head, "Did you enjoy your night with Jacob? Did he make it all worthwhile?"

Troye furrowed his eyebrows, "It was fine."

"That's quite an unenthusiastic way to describe your first time," Brett scoffed.

"What?" Troye said in disbelief, "We didn't do anything like that."

"Seriously?" Brett laughed, "he was all over you in the car, I just assumed."

Troye shrugged, "He basically told me that I'm just here for his entertainment."

"That's bullshit," Brett paused and looked at Troye.

"Yep. He compared  me to his old pet hamster. Said that I'm basically there when he wants to give me attention and outside of that I'm to sit in my room and be happy," Troye frowned.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" Brett asked incredulously.

"Do you want Troye to leave?" Jacob entered the room and asked Brett, "that's kind of rude, don't you think."

Brett glared at Jacob, "Actually yes, but only because he deserves better than you."

Jacob gave Brett a bemused look and then turned to Troye. "Follow me to the dining room, Chip. Brett can bring our food in there."

"Chip?" Brett asked.

"Ya, it was my hamster's name. Troye reminds me of him," with that Jacob was out of the room.

"What an asshole," Brett said angrily.

"Why do you work for him if you hate him so much?" Troye asked.

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