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Within an hour, Jacob was calling Troye downstairs. Troye took one last look in the mirror, patted over his clothes and scurried out of his room as Jacob called for him again.

Jacob sighed when he heard Troye coming down the stairs, "I don't like having to call you twice..." Jacob started turning towards Troye. Immediately he paused.

Troye blushed, "Do I look ok, sir?"

Jacob looked Troye up and down. Truth is that Troye looked hot as fuck, but Jacob would never tell him that. "You clean up nicely, Chip," Jacob replied laughing a bit finding himself funny.

Troye frowned at the nickname, he was still hurt over what Jacob had said to him earlier. It all felt so dehumanizing and while Troye understood that such a thing can happen in a BDSM relationship, it wasn't suppose to happen like this. All of this felt so wrong. "Thank you, sir," Troye finally replied, "and thank you for the new clothes and such."

"Couldn't have you looking like a mess all the time, now could we?" Jacob asked moving to the door, "Now let's go."

The club was loud, which Troye was expecting. What he wasn't expecting were the hordes of people with cameras dying to get photos of Jacob and his friends as they entered the club. Troye found it to be completely overwhelming and he found it kind of funny that the chaotic scene of the club was more welcoming. As directed, Troye walked behind Jacob, with his head down. Soon, they stopped in front of a large circular booth. Jacob placed a hand on Troye's back and a bit roughly guided him to sit down. Jacob's friends piled in as well. Jacob remained standing. "I'm going to get some drinks," Jacob announced and then walked away.

Troye sat silently until Adam turned towards him and said, "Hey, Troye! How are you?"

Troye sighed as he didn't want to get in trouble for talking to Adam again, but he also didn't want to be rude. He decided to keep his answer short. "I'm well, thanks."

"You look fabulous," Hari jumped in.

"Doesn't he?" A man Troye didn't know added, "I picked all of that out myself."

Troye looked at the guy in question.

"I'm Marc, by the way. I'm a friend of Jacob's, but also a stylist and a model, so he asked me to help get you some new clothes."

Troye nodded.

"You don't say much do you?" Marc then asked.

Troye shrugged and turned his attention towards the crowd hoping Jacob would come back soon. It's not that he necessarily needed Jacob to be with him, but at least he thought Jacob being around would keep the others from engaging him in conversation and the last thing he wanted was for Jacob to accuse him of flirting again.

Troye continued to scan the room and suddenly let out a quiet gasp. He spotted Jacob, chatting up a beautiful blonde woman. Jacob's hands were on the woman's waist as she essentially pawed over his chest inching closer by the second. Troye couldn't help but stare.

Jacob's friends quickly caught on to what Troye was looking at. "He's such an ass," Cory sighed scooting out of the booth. "I'll got get us some drinks." Cory then paused and looked at Troye, "Don't let him get to you bud,  I can guarantee that you are not at all a problem."

Troye finally looked away and glued his eyes to look down at the table. He wanted to go home and no not to Jacob Bixenman's gorgeous mansion. He wanted to go back to his quaint home with his dad and mom and his brothers and his sister and their dog. Marc, Adam and Hari chatted and pretended everything was ok, but they collectively shared sympathetic glances towards Troye. Finally, Cory returned with a tray of drinks.

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