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Jacob was sitting in his living room alone that night, when his dad walked in. "You're back, yippee!"'Jacob said sarcastically.

Randy sat down next to Jacob. "I can't believe you treated another person so poorly."

"Believe it."

"Jake, you need help."

Jacob laughed, "I'm good."

"No, You're not. I reported your behavior to the advisory board," Randy sighed.

"You what?!?!"

"It was the only way I knew for sure to get you to follow through with dom education classes," Randy explained. "Upon completion of the classes, they will wipe the notification clean of your file and give you another chance."

"Did you ever stop and think that Troye is the one in need of classes?" Jacob asked.

"I spoke to Troye and his father at length. I can say with certainty that he was not the problem. Jacob, did you even bother to read through all of his information?"

"He's a virgin that was born in South Africa and raised in Australia, what more is there to know?"

Randy groaned. "Did you know that he's sensitive and responds best to praise? Or did you know that he thrives off of making other people happy? And did you know that he is fertile and fully capable of baring children?"

Jacob looked up at his dad in interest.

"Ya I didn't think so. How many boys can you say that about and let's be honest, we both know you much prefer boys over girls."

Jacob bit his lip and nodded.

"Jacob, you basically won the lottery getting that boy and you completely made a mess of it all. Lucky for you, after you take your classes, you'll get another chance."

"With Troye?" Jacob asked.

"I don't know, probably not. The board is going to talk to him, but again, a boy like that can probably have whatever he wants and I can't imagine that being you," Randy answered.

Jacob frowned, "When do I start?"

"How's tomorrow sound?"

Jacob nodded.

Sure growing up Jacob had learned about being a dom, but he wasn't thrilled with the idea so he never invested much thought into it at all. That being said, taking such classes, again, after knowing what he knew, he couldn't help but devour the information that was shared with him. What he did not like was that in order to complete all of the coursework it would take at least three months. Still, Jacob stayed focused and worked hard. He asked questions, spent hours reading and on assignments, and by the end of his courses, he felt enlightened. Upon receiving his letter of success from the board, Jacob immediately drove to his dad's house to share the good news.

"Hey, Jake," Randy said opening the door. Jacob immediately held up the letter. Randy took it from
his son's hands, read it and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, you've done such a great job."

"Thanks, Dad," Jacob grinned.

"Hey, I was just going to call you. Are you available for dinner?" Randy asked.

"When?" Jacob asked.

"Like now?"

"Sure- where to?" Jacob said stepping out of his dad's way to allow his dad to step outside.

"The Mellet household..." Randy replied. Jacob gave his dad a confused look.

"Troye won't be there. But, I've been talking to Shaun and he thinks that Troye might like to try with you again," Randy added.

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