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Jacob must have fallen asleep in the chair he sat in in Troye's room at some point, in the night, as he woke up and found himself draped with a blanket. Jacob stood up, stretched and folded the blanket and placed it on the chair. He turned and noticed that Troye was still sleeping and then checked the clock to see that it was just a little after 8 AM. Jacob decided he could really use a cup of coffee and figured that Troye was out of harms way from consuming whatever the hell he consumed the night before, so he went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, did you sleep ok?" Shaun asked, "I checked in at like 5 and you were asleep, I thought about waking you as that chair didn't look all that comfortable, but decided it was best to leave you alone."

"Ya, sorry for falling asleep," Jacob groaned as he stretched again before sitting down. "Troye got up at like 3 and emptied the contents of his stomach so I guess I figured he was out of harms' way."

"You don't need to explain yourself," Shaun said standing to get Jacob a cup of coffee.

Jacob smiled appreciatively as Shaun handed him a cup.

"I do want to thank you though," Shaun said sitting back down, "in advance. I know this isn't going to be easy to deal with."

Jacob sighed, "I didn't realize dealing with an an 18-year-old could be so fucking hard. He's an adult, he should act more like it."

Shaun smiled sympathetically, "You don't have to follow through with this, you know?"

Jacob's eyes went wide, "I want to."

"Well that's good, because we want you to too," Shaun nodded.

Jacob and Shaun talked for a bit longer and than Steele joined them.

"Morning," Steele said with a sigh. "Is the damsel in distress still sleeping?"

Jacob nodded.

"So what's your game plan?" Steele asked.

"Mine?" Jacob said in question.

"You're his dom," Steele answered.

Jacob looked at Shaun, "I, I don't want to be out of line here, I mean he lives here so I thought maybe you'd want to handle this first."

Shaun tilted his head in thought, "About that, maybe he'd be better off staying with you. I can't help but feel this is partially our fault for not keeping a closer eye on him and seeing the way you can keep track of that Brett fella, maybe you'd be better looking over Troye. If you want to that is."

Jacob sighed and nodded, "Ya, alright. Of course you are all welcome at my place at any time, and certainly he will be here to see all of you as well."

Steele nodded sadly.

"I just hate the feeling that I'm taking him away from you," Jacob said analyzing Steele's expression.

"He needs to grow up, that much is obvious," Steele replied.

Jacob hummed in agreement.

It was after noon that Troye finally made his way downstairs. "Oh look who it is," Shaun said from where the family, with Jacob, were eating lunch in the dining room.

"Shut up, I don't feel well," Troye whined before dragging himself into the dining room.

"You will NOT tell your dad to shut up nor will we listen to you whine for something idiotic that you did to yourself," Jacob snapped.

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