Chapter 3: Human Friends

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"WHAT DO MEAN I SHOULDN'T COME!?!?" Greg was standing in the middle of the living room with the Gems who had suggested he not come with them to find Steven.

"It's going to be dangerous, Greg." Garnet said in her most soothing voice. "You wouldn't know how to-"

"How to what!? Protest myself!? FROM STEVEN!?!?" Garnet stood in shock, she wasn't used to being interupted. "For your information, Steven is MY son and whether or not it's dangerous, I'm going."

"Greg, Steven wouldn't want you to-" Pearl began, but never got to finish.

"Shut it, Pearl! You're letting Connie go and she's only 14!" Pearl crossed her arms.

"Connie's had training defending herself. You haven't. We can't risk you getting hurt, besides how would you help us?" The look in Greg's eyes suddenly made Pearl regret what she said.

"This is Steven we're talking about, Pearl. My son, and he may as well be your too. Steven wouldn't hurt any of us on purpose. He's scared and alone and I refuse to sit here and do nothing while you go and try to find him. I don't care if I have to poof each and every one of you, I'm going, AND THAT'S THE END OF IT!!!" Greg stormed off to the porch.

"I don't know what's scarier," Bizmuth said to no one in particular, "the fact that Steven's missing, or Greg being angry."

"I'll talk to him." Connie started toward the door. She stopped for a moment to look at the Gems. "He's right you know. Steven is definitely scared right now and if I know anyone who can calm Steven down, it's him." Connie walked onto the porch before the Gems could interject. When Connie got to the porch, Greg was facing away from her, looking out at the beach and gripping the railing with white knuckles.

"Mr. Universe?" She spoke with caution. He straitened a little at the sound of her voice. He brought his hands up to his eyes and put them back down again.

"Yeah, Connie?" Greg turned to face her, even though he had wiped his tears away, it was obvious he'd been crying. Connie approached carefully until she was standing next to him.

"Remember when you told me that you would talk to me if I ever needed a human friend to talk to about all this gem stuff?" Greg nodded. "Well, it seems like you could use a human friend now." Greg looked down at Connie and smiled.

"Now wonder Steven cares about you so much. Thank you, Connie. I could use someone to talk to right now." Connie wrapped her arms around Greg. After all the time they've known each other, Greg had become like an uncle or a close relative.

"I'm scared too. I hope he's okay." Greg returned her hug.

"Yeah. I just hope that when we find him, that I can help him. Sometimes, seeing the Gems with him just makes me feel so..."

"Useless?" Connie finished. Greg nodded with a small smile as they broke from their hug. "I know how that feels." Greg looked at Connie closely and noticed her distant look and flushed face as she spoke.

"Hey, Connie?" Connie snapped out of her daze and turned her gaze to Greg.

"Yes, Mr. Universe?" Greg snickered.

"You like Steven don't you?" Connie flushed a deep scarlet.

"I-um-ah..." She took a deep breath and glanced down, "Yes." Greg gave a big grin and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Good. Don't let go of that love you have." And with that, Greg walked inside, leaving Connie standing on the porch, thinking of his words.

"Don't let go of the love I have." She repeated and smiled. "I won't."

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