Chapter 2: Archy

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Steven was back in that same dream realm Garnet had showed him and Connie when they had fused as Stevonnie, but there were a few different things. Everything seemed to have a pinkish tone, it was insanely quite, and Steven could only see a few light butterflies here and there.

Just a few feet away sat Pink Steven with a bunch a magic pink screens around him with numbers and graphs. Pink Steven seemed worried. When he saw Steven he nodded in greeting.

"Good. You're here." He said in his monotone voice. "I was wondering when you'd arrive. Steven sat up groggily.


"We're inside you're head, well, OUR head." Pink Steven went back to his pink screens with a neutral expression on his face.

"What are you doing?" Steven gestured to the screens.

"It amazes me that this is the first time we converse with each other and that is the first thing you ask me, but if you wish to know, I'm trying to figure out the solution to our problem." Pink Steven's eyes never left his screens. Steven got up and walked over, sitting right in front of Pink Steven.

"Found anytime useful?" Steven had a glimmer of hope in his voice.

"Unfortunately, no. I only know what the problems are being caused by." Steven waited for a moment.

"Are you going to tell me?" Pink Steven looked up from his screens.

"Us. We're the problem." Steven felt his face pale.

"How are we the problem?" Pink Steven sighed in annoyance.

"For one, your emotions control our powers, and right now we are discovering our more....chaotic ones that we haven't exactly had a good time using. Another is that YOU just want to forget everything Pi-......that SHE did." Steven rolled his eyes.

"Well then Mr. Smarty Pants, what do you want to do about it?"

"I want everyone to know she's gone. I want to fix what she did and stopped being blamed for her mistakes. I figured that would be obvious." Steven ground his teeth together.

"Listen her Pink Ste-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!" Pink Steven yelled with sudden fury. "Don't you dare call me that name!" Steven crossed his arms.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" Pink Steven thought for a moment as the screens floated around him.

"Remember that book series that Connie loves so much?" Steven raised an eyebrow.

"The Spirit Morph Saga? Yeah, why?" Pink Steven glanced at Steven.

"The name of the was Archimicarus, right?" Steven nodded. "I want to be called that, Archimicarus."

"Can I call you Archy for short?" Archy sighed.

"Fine." Steven's pupils turned to stars like they always do when he's really happy.

"Alright then, Archy it is. Now, can I help look for a way to stop the corruption?" Archy nodded. "So how do I summon those screen things?"

"Ugh. It's like summoning the shield or a bubble. Just think about where you want them to appear and that will be where they appear." Steven concentrated on where he wanted the screens. When they popped into existence he looked like he'd sqeel with delight.

"Alright then. Let's get cracking, Archy!"

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