Chapter 10: New Beginning

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Okay, so before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say that the Steven Universe Future finale was spectacular. There is no way any fanfictions could top it. It left me in tears. I really wish Rebecca Sugar and the Crewniverse could have had more time to work on it, but they did good justice with the time they had. But still, I can't believe it's over! 😭 Let's have a moment of silence for our favorite cartoon.


Alright peasants, here's the chapter.


It happened so fast. Steven had asked what Pearl thought he and Connie had done, Connie whispered it to him, and then there was a second where Steven went from insulted to sly grin.

"Yes, Pearl. That's what we did. That's all we did while you were gone." Pearl looked horror struck by his words.

"Steven!" Connie scolded, but it was to late. Pearl poofed. As her gem hit the floor, Amethyst rolled around on the floor, howling with laughter, Garnet laughed so hard that she unfused, leaving a giggling Ruby and Sapphire behind. Connie couldn't even stay angry, it really had been funny to watch.

"Dude..." Amethyst wheezed through her laughter, "she's not.....gonna wanna....reform......for months!"


Steven got Pearl out with fusion...again. As soon as Rainbow Quarts 2.0 formed, they went hysterical as they had a conversation with themself. When Rainbow Quarts unfused, Steven was hugging Pearl and reassuring her that nothing happened.


Steven could finally walk by himself again. He was all healed up and ready to go.

"I guess this means I have to go home." Connie said, glumly.

"Yeah..." Steven replied, also a bit sad.

"At least we can still spend time together." Connie smiled and kissed Steven. Steven couldn't help but smile in return. Soon after, Connie was cuddled against him, asleep. Steven very carefully moved away so he didn't wake her. He then opened his sliding window door and stepped outside, closing it behind him.

Archy appeared immediately as the door was closed, "Do it." He said in his usual monotone voice, but Steven swore he saw a glimmer in Archy's eyes.

"You don't even know what I'm-" Archy held up a hand to silence Steven.

"Dude, I'm literally a part of you. I know what you're thinking, and I'm telling you to do it." Archy snickered a bit as Steven glanced back at Connie's sleeping figure.

"Would she be okay with it?" There was no denying the hope in Steven's voice. Archy let out a dry chuckle.

"To the first half, definitely. To the second half, you'll have to figure that out on your own." Archy's snicker softened into a genuine smile, "Dad will be fine, so will the Gems. Heck even Jasper. They want you to be happy." Steven gazed back at Archy and smiled.

"They want us to be happy. Are you okay with it, Archy?" Archy was surprised that Steven was asking him this. Steven was the one who controlled their body, yet he wanted to know if Archy was okay with how he was going to use it. Archy felt tears threatened to fall.

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