Chapter 8: Nightmare

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"Who are you, Steven?" Steven waded through the darkness, the voice echoing in his head.

"What do you mean?" Steven called into the darkness, "I'm Steven Universe. I'm the savior of the galaxy, I'm a Crystal Gem, I'm me." A dry chuckle sounded through the darkness.

"Those do not define you, Steven. You spent so long wondering if you were your mother, and you spent so long trying to not be like her, now you know you're not her. So I'll ask you again, who is Steven Universe?" Steven opened his mouth to answer the voice, but he closed it. Steven didn't have an answer. The voice chuckled again.

"That's what I thought. You don't know. If you don't know who you are, than how can you won't corrupt yourself again? If you do corrupt yourself again, what's to say you won't come back from it?" Steven ground his teeth. He didn't want to admit it, but the voice was right. It was asking all the questions Steven asked himself.

"Stop it!" Steven yelled into the emptiness, "Just stop it!"

"Poor Steven Universe. Almost eighteen and you don't even know who you are. Your friends don't need the help of someone who can't even help himself. They'll just leave you behind, even your girlfriend Connie. Once she goes to college, she'll be so far away that she'll forget about you." Steven could feel a rage trying to take over him, but he fought against it. Tears threatened to form in his eyes.

"LIER!!! Connie loves me! My friends love me! And so does my family! They'll never leave me!" A pink hughe started to show on Steven's skin. The voice laughed now.

"Oh really? What if you hurt them? You've already hurt them once, you could hurt them again. What if you kill them?" A harsh light started filling the darkness. The light soon took the form of fire. Soon, Steven saw that he was standing in Little Homeworld. Little Homeworld was burning, so we're Beach City and Little Homeschool. Steven could see the rumble of his house, it was completely destroyed.

"No..." Steven couldn't move, he could barely breath. The voice came again, it sounded amused.

"Look down Steven." Steven listened to the voice. When he looked down, he saw cracked gems and bodies littering the ground of Little Homeworld.

"No!" Steven saw the remains of the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds, the bodies of Greg and Connie. "NO!!!" Steven felt something warm on his face and hands. He looked down at his hands to see that they were clawed and covered in blood, the blood of his loved ones.

"You see Steven? This is your destiny. This is what you will do to the people you love." Steven tasted blood in his mouth. He screamed.

"NO!!!" A gem suddenly appeared before him, no a Diamond, Pink Diamond.

"Yes." Was all she said. She pushed Steven backwards. Instead of falling on hard ground, Steven fell into a giant pool of blood. He kicked and thrashed and tried to swim out of it, but he couldn't escape. The blood churned him around, making sure he couldn't escape. It filled his nose, his ears, his eyes, his lungs. Steven tried to scream, but it was silent. Steven couldn't breath, he was suffocating in the blood of his family and friends.


  "STEVEN!!!!" Connie screamed, trying to pry his hands away fro his throat, but she couldn't get them to move. Connie didn't know what had happened, Steven had just started glowing pink and thrashing around. He had started choking himself and began screaming.

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