Chapter 9: Awkward

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It had been two days since Connie had started her stay as Steven's personal nurse. The Gems let them have so much time together. It was perfect. It was even more perfect when Steven woke to hear the singing of an angelic voice. The tune was from a song he wasn't familiar with, but liked the way it sounded as Connie sang it.

"That was beautiful." Steven said. Connie jumped up from were she stood by the window.

"Steven! Did I wake you up?" Steven smiled as she got flustered.

"Yeah, but I like hearing you sing." Steven sat up in bed. The morning Ray's filtered into the room. Connie sat on the bed and snuggled Steven.

"I'm not that good." Steven wrapped an arm around Connie.

"Strawberry, you're voice sounds better than most perfectly tuned guitar!" He smiled down at her, "Don't let anybody tell you differently!" Connie smiled and gently pushed him back down into the bed.

"You always know what to say." Connie's face was incredibly close to Steven's. Steven wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down so he rested on top of him. He brushed some loose hair out of her face with a gentle finger.

"I know what to say because I know you." Steven's smile was a enough to melt Connie's heart.

"If you know me so well, Mr. Romantic," Connie booped Steven's nose, "then what an I gonna do next?" Steven laugh. Connie loves his laugh.

"That's easy." Their noses touched, "You're gonna kiss me." Connie giggled.

"You really do know me well." Connie closed the gap between them, and as Steven said, they kissed. The warm, fuzzy feeling overtook them again. Connie realized Steven was floating an inch off the bed. The kiss lasted a few moments, but the didn't break apart. A different warmth surged through them, it was the warm feeling they got when they fused. Soon, Stevonnie was floating over the bed, hugging themself with a happy smile on their face.

"Are we interrupting something?" Stevonnie looked in the doorway and froze with fear, falling back onto the bed when they saw who stood there. White Diamond stood in her smaller form, looking confused. Next to her stood an angry Greg.


"You two were dating and you didn't tell me!?" Greg bopped Steven on the head with a rolled up magazine that had been on the coffee table in the living room.

"I'm sorry, Dad. We got a little carried away." Greg stopped for a moment to look at the two teenagers sitting shamefully on the bed. He and White had walked in them making out and fusing.

"What do you mean by that?" Greg crossed his arms. He wanted to know what was so important that Steven couldn't send him a text saying, "Hey, Dad! Connie and I are dating!"

"Well, the Gems have been busy repairing Little Homeschool, and that gave Connie and I a lot of time together. We have a gotten to be together for this long in a while. We were just so-"

"In love." Greg finished. He was smiling now. "Yeah I know that feeling." Greg tossed the magazine into the corner. Steven and Connie looked relief that Greg understood.

"Wait." Steven pointed at White, "Why are you two here together?" Steven narrowed his eyes. White hid her blush behind her hand. Greg started frantically blushing.

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