Chapter 7: Dreams

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Steven heard voices floating around him, concerned voices, sad voices, many voices. He couldn't hear any of them clearly other than little blurbs.

"What if he never wakes up?"

"Is he even healing?"

"Have faith-"

"He'll pull through."

"Steven needs time."

Suddenly, the voices faded away, and Steven saw a girl with her head in her arms. She was leaning on the side of a bed.

"Oh, Steven." She whispered through tears, "I'm so sorry....this is all my fault." Steven reached out. He wanted so badly to comfort the girl, to stop her tears, but he couldn't reach her. He felt he knew the girl, but he couldn't remember her name. The girl tilted her head up, revealing the tears sprouting from her eyes. Steven remembered her name.



Steven's eyes fluttered open. He was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Steven ached, but he managed to soundlessly sit up. Connie was right where she'd been in his dream, but her head was down. It was early morning outside. Steven reached his hand out and put in over Connie's. Connie sat upright, but she froze when she saw Steven.

"S-Steven..." Connie's voice quavered and her tears flowed harder. Steven gave her a smile and held out his arms. Connie climbed up onto the bed and accepted his hug, hugging him back tightly. Her breath hitched with each quiet sob of relief.

"It okay. I'm here now." Steven spoke softly, not just to sooth Connie, but because who's throat hurt too.

"I was so scared that I'd loose you." Connie cried into his shoulder. Steven held Connie so she could face him. He rested a gentle hand against her face.

"I'm so sorry, Connie." Tears start to sting Steven's eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't there when you needed me and that made you...corrupt." They rested their foreheads against each other's.

"It doesn't matter, Connie. You're here now. That's what matters." Both of them cried now. Steven raised his other hand and put it in the other side of Connie's face, and wipe her tears away tentatively with his thumbs. Connie's hands were wrapped around the back of Steven's neck. Steven started leaning in, closing the remaining distance between him and Connie. He felt her warn breath on his face. He leaned closer, closer, his lips almost brushed against hers when they heard a voice come up the stars to Steven's bedroom.

"Hey, Connie. Just came by to give you-" a load crash followed the unfinished sentence. Steven and Connie turned to see Greg standing in the entrance to Steven's room, a broken bowl of cereal was at his feet.

"Dad." Steven whispered, relieved. Connie moved to sit next to Steven.

"Steven." Greg ran the rest of the way and smothered Steven in a hug, which Steven gladly excepted. He noticed the  bulge of bandages under his father's shirt.

"I hurt you!" Steven cried, remembering his time corrupted. "Where's everyone else!?" As if on cue, the Crystal Gems burst into the room and the Diamond opened Steven's giant window, they all looked ready to fight until they saw Steven, alive and awake.

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