The Corruption

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Connie paced on the beach. She had been trying to find out how to confess to Steven for a week now, but whenever she tried, she kept getting tongue tied. She sat down on the warm sand. The waves lapped at the shore, seagulls sounded above. It sounded...musical.

Connie got an idea. She and Steven were both really good at expressing themselves through song. She stood up and looked around to make sure she was alone. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through Spoofy until she found the song she was looking for. She set her phone down and sang along.

"Wow, Connie! I didn't know you sang so well." Connie wiped around to see Amethyst sitting on a rock behind her.

"Aahh! How long have you been there!?" Connie blushed rapidly.

"Oh I've been here long enough to hear the entire song." Connie fell to the sand with a sigh. Amethyst walked over and looked down.

"You okay?" She helped Connie up.

"No....can you keep a secret, Amethyst?" Connie fiddled with her fingers.

"Ha! Of course I can!" Connie seemed skeptically, but told Amethyst anyway.

"I've been trying to figure out a way to express my feelings to Steven." Amethyst smiled.

"About time! If you plan on singing to him, that'd be a pretty good idea!" Connie stared.

"You aren't shocked?"

"That you like Steven? No! It's obvious! I mean its also obvious that Steven likes you too." Connie's eyes lit up.

"You really think he-"

"I don't think, I know. Now go to sing to him and stop standing there!" Connie took of to Steven's house.

"Thank you, Amethyst!"


Connie was hurt and shocked when Steven pulled the hat he was wearing down, stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, and just walked past Connie like she wasn't even there. Connie stopped and called out his name, but he didn't stop.

"I don't, Connie." Pearl said with a worried look when Connie asked if anything was wrong. "He's been avoiding everyone all day! I'm worried. Garnet doesn't even know what's going on. Her future vision is out of wack."

"That bad?" Connie started hyperventilating. What was going on? Was Steven trying to protect her from something in his world again?

"Connie, calm down! You'll make yourself pass out!" Connie stopped and looked at Pearl. She was right. Connie would pass out if she didn't calm down.

"I'll try to get Steven to talk to me, Pearl." Connie didn't believe her statement.


"Steven! Talk to me!" It had been two weeks since Steven started avoiding everyone.

"Please go away, Connie." He nearly whispered. Connie had chased after him until he ran out of breath.

"Steven...what is going on? You've been avoiding everyone for two weeks!" Connie felt on the brink of tears.

"Nothing is wrong Connie." Steven didn't notice her inching closer. Steven had been keeping his hat over his face for the two weeks.

"I don't believe that!" Connie reached out and ripped the hat off of his head. Steven realized what she had done and curled into a ball, but it was to late. Connie had seen it.

Steven had two small horns growing from his head. O e was slightly bigger than the other. He had purple splotches on his skin and his left hand had become a claw. The worst part, the part that scarred Connie most, was that his left eye now was black were it should have been white with pink irises and diamond shaped pupils.

"Connie....please....just go...." Steven was crying.

"'re...." They heard familiar voices. Connie turned to see the gems. When the gems got close enough to see Steven, they stopped dead.

"It's..." Amethyst started.

"Corruption." Garnet said as a tear slid down her face. Steven let out a hi of pain.

"Steven!" Connie reached out, but Steven smacked her hand away. He yelled in pain again as more purple splotches appeared on his skin.

"Steven..." Pearl was in tears.

"Don't look at me." Steven got up and backed away. Connie realized that Steven was going to run.

"STEVEN, NO!!!" But he was gone. He ran and to a warp pad that wasn't to far off. Little Homeworld had many warp pads. Steven triggered the warp pad and disappeared right as Garnet reached out to grab him.


"BUT HOW DID HE GET CORRUPTED!?!?" it was scary when Greg was mad. He was usually so happy.

"We don't know." Was all Pearl said back. Connie stood up.

"Could it have been his emotions?" Connie looked at everyone staring at her.

"Well..." Pearl put her hand on her chin, "it makes since. All of Steven's powers are tied to his emotions, a really bad emotional breakdown could be why he got corrupted."

"The question is," Bismuth cut in, "What caused such a bad breakdown?" Connie went pale. She remembered a conversation she had with Steven awhile back. He had been talking about how scared he was of the power he held. When Pink Steven appeared, it had set a trigger in Steven's what if....

"It wasn't just an emotional breakdown." Everyone looked back at Connie.

"What did you say, Connie?" Greg asked.

"It wasn't just an emotional breakdown...Steven's powers are growing out of his control." She saw everyone else's face go pale. If Steven had no control...then who did?


(Some cave in the forest)

Steven was curled in a tight ball, trying his best to control the power growing in him.....and failing.

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