Chapter 4: Raw Diamond

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"Archy, I don't understand. What's wrong with us?" Steven was pacing around the space of his mind as he sweat nervously. Archy had his screens up as he searched though them with a frantic look.

"I told you, we have no purpose anymore. We're......useless...." Steven stopped dead and turned to Archy.

"But how? We have the Gems, the Diamonds, Dad, Spinel, our can we have now purpose!?" The ground shook as the sky of the mind space turned a harsh magneta shade.

"I don't know. Maybe we only feel we have no purpose. We fixed all the problems, maybe we just need to accept that?" Archy made the screens disappear and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"But that doesn't make sense! I know there aren't any problems left to solve!" The ground shook again, more violently then the first. The sky started turning a darker shade of magneta.

"I know! I-I c-ca- I-" Archy stumbled and grabbed his head, almost ripping out his hair. "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Steven reached out with a look of fear.

"Archy!?" That's when Steven saw it. Archy turned and saw it to. The ground was cracking and falling into darkness. In the distance the could see jagged shapes that looked like raw pink diamond.

"Archy..." Steven's voice shook. Archy turned around and gasped. Both of their eyes had started glowing a harsh pink color.

"'s to early....." was all Archy said. Both of them knew what was happening. They had thought they could fight it a bit longer, but they were wrong. They had run out of time because


The corruption had entered their mind.

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