Chapter 11: Le Bonus

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Okay, so I know I made this story completed, but I saw something on Pinterest and I had to make this chapter. I swear though, this is the absolute last chapter in In Love With A Corruption! Now let's begin our little bonus.


Steven was so nervous. He hadn't spoken to his dad, the Gems, or the Diamonds since his dad and White's wedding, now he was driving to Beach City with his beautiful wife, Connie in the passenger seat, and the twins in the back. Yeah, twins. Stephon and Stephanie. Both looked so similar to Stevonnie, who they idolized like an older sibling, accept they both had pink eyes with diamond pupils. He knows he should have said something sooner, but the last few years had been hectic. He and Connie were moving into their new place, Connie and Steven were starting new jobs, the whole thing with the cow. Steven shuddered at the memory of the cow who'd stalked him for three weeks. Steven snapped back into the present when he heard Stephanie speak.

"What's your family like, Daddy?" Stephon and Stephanie had met Connie's parents, who'd moved to Florida, but they'd never met Steven's side if their family.

"Well, Aunt Amethyst is very fun, Aunt Garnet is brave."

"Is Aunt Garnet the one who is made from Aunt Sapphire and Aunt Ruby?" Stephon asked.

"Yes." Steven answered.

"So she's like Aunt Sapphire and Aunt Ruby's daughter?" Connie chuckled.

"She's more like Stevonnie." She answered. The twins nodded in understanding.

"What about Grandma Pearl?" Stephanie asked, playing with her fluffy, brown ponytail.

"Grandma Pearl is very smart." Steven's star necklace swayed against his chest. Steven smiled at the memory if his mother figure. She'd be so happy to see teg twins. Steven had called ahead and asked everyone, including Spinel and the Diamonds to be at the Temple so they could all meet Stephanie and Stephon together.

"Didn't Grandma Pearl teach Mommy how to use a sword?" Stephon asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Yep." Connie answered with a smile, "She's an excellent teacher. She'll be so excited to meet you!"

"Look at that!" Steven pointed to the sign that said they were in Beach City, "Not much farther now."


When they got out of the Dondi, Steven and Connie were greeted with many welcomes and hugs. It took a minute to settle everyone down.

"Guys," everyone turned to look at the nervous Steven, "Connie and I brought two people that we want you to meet."

"Oh?" Bismuth asked, "And who might that be?" Steven nervously fumbled with the car door handle before he got it open.

"Come on out guys." Connie cooed to the little figures that only Connie and Steven could see. Two, tiny figures hopped out of the car, both wearing red flip-flops, black shorts, and blue shirts with yellow stars. Both had olive skin and chocolate colored hair that was fluffy looking. The twins pink eyes nervously scanned the people around them, their diamond pupils a little scared. Everyone gasped at the small figures.

"Guys," Steven's voice shook, "these are our kids, Stephon and Stephanie."

"Hi." The five year olds said in union, and then quickly retreated behind their mother. Greg, who'd been sitting on White Diamond's shoulder with Spinel, asked to be put down. When his feet were in the ground, Greg casually walked over to Steven and Connie, his now mostly grey hair was shiny in the sunlight. He very carefully got into one knee about two feet away from Connie. He spoke softly while looking at the twins.

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