Chapter 6: Savior

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Hello~ Before you start this chapter, I wanted to tell you all that I'm recruiting artist for an animatic project I'm doing. I'll leave a link to the Discord. Go to announcements and you'll find instructions on how to get picked if you want to be apart of the animatic.

The others were at Little Homeschool only a few minutes after Greg had told them they had found Steven on Peridot's communication device. Connie had insisted on stopping buy Steven's Diamond Dome so she could send a distress call to the universe in hopes that others would come help. Now the Diamonds (in their original forms), Lars and the Off Colors, All of the Crystal Gems, Sadie, Shep, the Cool Kids, Jasper, Nephrite, Volleyball, Spinel, and even gems Connie didn't recognize.

"What's he doing!?" Jasper yelled as the giant reptile that was Steven blew a jet of pink fire out of his mouth.

"He's gonna burn down Little Homeschool!" Pearl yelped. Lapis, who was flying overhead with Peridot, who was floating on a metal trash lid, landed right in front of the Diamonds and the other Crystal Gems.

"Everyone's been evacuated out if Little Homeschool, Beach City, and Little Homeworld." Peridot said as she picked up her trash lid.

"That's good." Garnet pushed up her visor. "Now we can help Steven and not worry about anyone getting hurt."

" sure about that?" Jasper pointed a finger at all of the humans in the group. Connie ground her teeth together.

"We can help to you know!" Sadie snapped at Jasper and put her hands on her hips. Shep crossed their arms defiantly as Jasper glared at them.

"Guys!" Greg shouted, "This isn't the time to be fighting! In case you haven't noticed, MY SON transformed into a giant lizard because none of us were there when he needed us! Even though he was always there when we needed him!" This made the bickering stop as everyone turned to Greg. Greg stood as tears threatened to form in his eyes. Great pointed to Steven, "Now are we gonna argue like a bunch if toddlers, or are we gonna help Steven!?" Everyone let out a little cheer. Greg was right, they shouldn't be fighting. Together, they all made there way to Steven.


"Argh! Get out of my head!" Steven screamed into the mind space. He was in so much pain. His head felt like it might split into pieces. There were voices whispering, they were the voices if his loved ones.

Garnet's voice sounded off, "Weak."

Pearl's came next, "Stupid."

Amethyst's voice followed, "Loser."

Steven heard Greg's voice after, "No son of my mine."

His mother's voice reverberated through his ears, "Disappointment."

Next was Connie's voice. It was probably the most painful of all to hear, "Monster."

More voices kept talking to him, but he could hardly make out what they said. Steven screamed as more pain shot through his head. Tears stung his eyes. Why couldn't he see? Where was he? He screamed more as the horns in his head, arms, and back grew a little more. It felt like hot knives were stabbing out of his skin, drawing blood as they went.

Archy had disappeared what felt like hours ago. Their body had been put through so much stress that Archy merged back with Steven's conscious, so now they were feeling the pain together. Steven looked up as a malicious chuckle came out of the dark. It was so familiar that it gave Steven shivers.

"I told you that you were weak and pathetic." said Jasper as she came out of the darkness. Steven tried to speak, but only felt pain when he tried. How was Jasper here? This couldn't be the real Jasper. It couldn't.

"Looks like we don't need you to destroy Little Homeschool. You've already destroyed yourself." Steven turned to see Aquamarine and Eyeball standing next to Jasper, looking smug as ever.

"Yeah." Eyeball grinned, "How's it feel to be the one everyone hates?" Steven felt an uncontrollable rage fill him. Before he knew it, he had kept into the air and came crashing down on top of Eyeball. He starting punching her as she drew up her arms to defend herself, but it was a futile attempt. Steven brought down his fist right on her gem, cracking it.

"Stop, you'll shatter her!" Aquamarine came flying out of nowhere and tried to knock Steven off of Eyeball, but Steven simply flung his tail up and knocked her to the side. As Aquamarine landed, she transformed into Lapis. Steven looked down to see that it was no longer Eyeball he was pinning down, but Peridot with a cracked gem. Steven felt himself beginning to shake. This couldn't be real, could it? Steven got off of the now unconscious Peridot, who's form was glitching and changing strangely. Steven spin around as he heard another chuckle come from Jasper.

"You can't even restrain you anger against your friends and family."  Jasper snickered as she gestured around her. There were now figures hunched on the ground. Shep was on Jasper's left, holding an unconscious Sadie, Pearl was holding herself while she was on her knees. Ruby and Sapphire were huddled on the ground with Amethyst in their laps. Amethyst's gem was cracked too. Lars and the off colors were all on the ground with the Cool Kids. Steven started to cry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt any of you." Jasper chuckled again. The coldest on her voice caused the rage to come back. Steven felt his clawed fingertips outstretch as he pounced on Jasper, but it wasn't Jasper. As soon as his claws started to come down, it was Greg who stood there. Steven's claws came across Greg's chest, blood was drawn instantly. Greg crumpled to the ground while holding his chest.

"Dad!" Steven wailed. He bent down to help Greg, but he disappeared. Steve twirled around hastily, "DAD!!!!!" Steven could hardly see through his tears. Look at what he'd done. He'd hurt the people he loved most. He really was a monster. He couldn't hurt anyone else. Steven lifted his shirt up, ready to remove his gem.

"Can you show me a solvable problem." Steven dropped his shirt in surprise. The voice was angelic, yet familiar.

"We can get through this." Steven turned around over and over, searching for who the voice belonged to.

"I'll do the hardest part," Steven turned one more time to see Connie holing his hands.

"With you." Connie leaned in and gently kissed him. Steven felt his tears stop. The world was spinning around him. Faster and faster, than it was black.

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