Chapter One

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*This is what I imagine Nicole looks like*

I'm going to go ahead and tell you-it's hard being a werewolf. I mean, no matter how much I shave my legs, in an instant all the hair just sprouts back to where it was before. I was thinking this as I was sitting in my 2nd period Honors English class, my thoughts running away from the boring lecture Mr. Lowe was giving us about William Shakespeare. I looked over to see my besties, Madison and Lizzy, staring at me. "Psst! Nicole! Watch this!" Lizzy whispered. She took a crumpled up piece of paper and threw it at Mr. Lowe. It hit him in the butt! "Who threw this piece of paper at my bum?" he said. ( Mr. Lowe is british.)We tried to keep quiet, but Lizzy couldn't stop laughing! "Did you girls throw this piece of paper at my bum?" He asked sternly. "No sir," I said, "I've never seen that piece of paper before in my life." Before he could ask us anything else, the bell for 3rd period rang. I rushed out of the classroom, along with Lizzy and Madison. "That was SO funny!" Madison cried, pushing her blonde-brown hair out of her face.
"Watch out. The Jackals are coming." Lizzy whispered. "So what?" I said, "They won't hurt us. They can't risk breaking a nail." Lizzy and Madison laughed, while I stood there glaring at Jade and her clones, Lauren and Kate. If looks could kill, they would all be dead by now. A boy that looked like a nerd bumped into Jade, spilling his Pepsi all over her white jeans. "Ugh! you freak!" she cried, shoving him against a locker. I couldn't stop smiling. "C'mon girls," Jade said, "Lets go see if the nurse has another pair of my Aeropostale jeans." as they walked by us, Jade gave me the finger. "When?" I said. Lizzy and Madison giggled. Jade huffed and stomped into the nurses office. Lizzy looked at her phone. "Oh my god! I'm going to be late for Biology! Come on, Madi!" They ran down the hall, leaving me alone. I walked a couple classrooms over and stepped into Mrs. Andrews class. "Good morning, Nicole. So good to see you today." Mrs. Andrews said. I walked over to my seat beside Aniya, my other close friend. "Hey gurrl!" she practically shouted to me as I sat down. "Hey," I said setting down my book bag. I looked over at the door as Mrs. Andrews was walking in.
Behind her, came in the most handsome boy I had ever seen in my entire life. He looked like he just stepped out of theSexiest Man Alive magazine! "Class," Mrs. Andrews said, "We have a new student. His name is Jack." "Hi Jack." the class said. Mrs. Andrews looked around our class. "Jack, looks like you will have to sit beside Nicole since all the other seats are taken." Jack adjusted his book bag on his shoulders. He walked over beside me and sat down. I almost died right there in the spot! He had black hair and navy blue eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt, faded denim jeans, and to top it all off, he was wearing work boots. "Hey, I'm Jack." he said. "Oh, h-hey, I'm Nicole." I stammered. Aniya looked over at me then to Jack. 'You like him?' she mouthed to me. I shrugged and smiled. "What are you working on in this class?" Jack asked me. "Ummm... I think equations," I said, "But I'm not sure." "I'm gonna ask her." he whispered to me. Jack raised his hand. "Yes?" Mrs. Andrews said.
"What is your class working on right now?"
"Fractions and equations."

"Good. That was what my class was on when I left my old school."

"Class," Mrs. Andrews said, "Since today is Friday you all may be able to get on your phones and listen to music or play games. If you do not have it with you, you may read a book." The whole class cheered. I dug my iPhone out of my pocket and turned it on. "Do you want to see a pic of my family?" I asked Jack, since he did not have his phone. "Sure." he said, looking at his paper. "Cool. Did you make that yourself?" he asked me, looking at my monogram screen saver. "N-E-M," he said, looking at me, 'Those are your initials?" "Yup. Nicole Elizabeth Marshall." I said. "That's my mom, dad, and baby sister," I said, "And those are my two dogs, Max and Molly." "They're cute," he said looking at the picture, "And so is your baby sister." I smiled. The lunch bell rang. I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran out the door. I bumped into Lizzy and Madison, who was waiting for me outside. "Watch it, will ya!" Lizzy cried. Then, she laughed. "Oh, it's just you." Hey guys wait on me, I have to put my math book in my locker." I said. I walked over to it and put in the combination. 3-21-09 I thought as I turned the knob. I happened to look over at Jade's locker to see her flirting with Jack. I growled my werewolf growl. "Dang Nicole, I never knew you hated Jade that much!" Madison cried. I slammed my locker shut, not even trying to lock it back, and I stormed over to Jade. "So Jack, what school did you go to before you came here?" I heard her say. I knew Jade was flirting with Jack. She wasn't going to get him without a fight. "Hey Nicole, look who I just ran into!" Jade shouted to me. My blood boiled. "Nicole! Hey, can you show me where the lunchroom is," Jack called to me, "This garden hoe won't tell me where to go." "Sure." I walked over to him. Jade looked like she was going to explode into rage any second now. I grabbed his hand (score!) and walked him to my friends. "Lizzy, Madison, this is Jack." I said, pointing to him. "Dang you sexy!" Lizzy blurted out. Jack chuckled. "I get that a lot." he said beaming. We walked down the hall to see the lunchroom flooding with people. I looked over at my table and saw William, Ethan, Briana, Jessica, and Cheyenne waving at us. I sat down, with Jack plopping down beside me. William looked at me. "Hey Nicole," he said, "How's life?" "Good. Have you guys met Jack?" "No. Hey Jack!" everyone at my table said to him. He blushed. Guess he's not used to so much attention. I got my lunch box off the floor at sat it down on the table. I unzipped the zipper and got out my Roast Beef, Ham, Turkey, Chicken, and Cheese sandwich out of my lunch box, along with some chips. I ate in silence, while all my other friends laughed, joked, and messed around. Jack just stared at me. I felt different. Like ever since I met Jack it made a huge impact on my life. I pulled out my phone. 'Please sign me out!'I said. I sent it to mom. My phone buzzed a few seconds later. 'Okay. b4 or after lunch?'she replied. 'Defiantly after.' I replied back to her.

Now I'm sitting in 4th period Social Studies. Mr. Rump is giving us a lesson on the Aztecs. All of a sudden, a voice comes over the intercom saying,
"Mr. Rump?"


"Nicole Marshall is being signed out."

I got up out of my chair and swung my book bag on my shoulders. "Bye Mr. Rump!" I called to him as I stepped out of the door. "Goodbye young lady." he said to me smiling. I ran down the hall, and bursted into the office. "That was fast." mom said. I smiled at her. We walked out of the office. We walked over to her Honda and put my book bag in the back. I slid into the front seat, shutting the door. I buckled up and got my phone out of my pocket. I turned it on, typed in my passcode, and went to Photo Stream. "How was your day?" mom asked me. "Fine." I said. I scrolled through my pictures. Camping, Rollerskating, that was my life. The good old days. Before I found out I was more than human.

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