Chapter 7

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I awoke to my alarm clock blaring. I sat up quickly, realizing that I would see Jack today. I smelled my body, remembering what happened last night. I walked to my closet, opened the door, and looked through my shirts. I grabbed a pretty sweater that matches my eyes and looked through my jean drawer. I found a dark black pair and draped it over my arm. I dug in my underwear drawer and grabbed a pair. I sat them all on my bathroom counter and hopped in the shower. I blow dried my hair quickly. I slipped on the undies, jeans, a bra, and the sweater. I looked in my jewelry drawer and found the perfect pair of earrings. I rushed to pull on my black work boots. I grabbed my car keys off of the dining room table (got my license in the mail yesterday!) and ran to my Toyota Camry. I hopped in and turned on the heat very quickly. I looked at the backseat to make sure that my book bag was back there. It was! I looked in my console, digging for my iPhone. It wasn't in there! "Crap!" I said. I opened the car door, and unlocked the house so I could get my phone. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone off of my bathroom counter. I ran back down the stairs, opened the door, locked it, and ran to my Camry. I jumped in, realizing it was already 6:59! Classes start at 7:30! Thank goodness I don't live far from the school.

I walked casually into homeroom, my keys and phone in my book bag. I sat down in the seat between Lizzy and Madison. "Who does Jack have for homeroom?" I asked Madison. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "He told me he had Mrs. Jonas for homeroom." she said. "Thanks" I said, rushing out of the classroom. I stepped back in for a moment to grab a pass from the hook beside the door. I ran down the hallway until I bumped into someone. I looked up to see it was Jack! "Oh... I'm sorry." he said to me. He looked around for a moment. "I need to talk to you." he said suddenly. He pulled me into a empty classroom. My heart was racing. I felt as if my chest would burst. "Are you a... werewolf?" he asked me, keeping his voice low. I nodded. He looked concerned. "I thought you were. I saw a wolf on Channel 7 that a man took a picture of and it looked just like you." I gasped. "They talked about me and dad killing that sheep on the news?" I said. He nodded. He sighed. Then, he leaned in. I leaned in, too. Our lips touched for a moment, then he pulled away. "What am I doing," he muttered, "I can't kiss a werewolf. I'm a werewolf hunter, and we are supposed to hunt them." I backed away from him. "Stay away from me!" I cried out. He stepped closer. "How come you never told me you were a werewolf hunter? Are you gonna kill me now or are you gonna wait until after school! Huh?" I screamed at him. He put his finger to my lips to silence me. He leaned in again, and despite my brain telling my body no, I did too! His sapphire blue eyes were staring at me as he leaned closer and closer. He wrapped his masculine arms around my waist. Then, our lips went together like perfect harmony. We kissed longer, more passionately this time. He moaned quietly. I knew that he didn't want me to hear it. After a few moments of lip locking, I pulled away from his grip on my waist. I looked at the clock hanging up in the classroom. "I gotta get back to my homeroom!" I said. I ran down the hall, pass in hand, and burst into homeroom. I grabbed my book bag and ran down the hallway to 1st period. I waited calmly outside of the door until homeroom was over. As soon as they opened the door, I rushed into Mrs. Hike's class. "You must be happy to learn Spanish, si?" I smiled at her. I sat down in my normal seat. I looked I see Jade, Kate, and Lauren walk in. I rolled my eyes. Jade smirked at me. To my surprise, she sat down beside me. "Look Nicole," she said with fire in her eyes, "Stay away from my man!"
"Who is your man?"
I laughed. "He doesn't even like you!"

She huffed and went back to her other seat, with her clones trailing behind her. I thought about Jack all period.

Before I knew it, the day had ended. I haven't talked to Jack since this morning. I feel bad. I walked to my Camry and unlocked the door. I climbed in, throwing my book bag in the back. I sped home, wishing that I had never met Jack. A werewolf hunter? Please. I could slice any werewolf hunter open any day. I turned on the radio to hear "Kiss You Tonight" by David Nail. As I sang along with the lyrics, I realized that's how it is for me and Jack. I like him, but at the same time, I don't. (ever since he said he was a werewolf hunter) I felt like I needed to kiss him so all my stress could be lifted away.

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