Chapter 12

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I got up and pulled on some clothes for school. I did a smokey eye and put on some mascara. I trudged down the stairs, brushing my hair. I walked back up the stairs and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a coat while I was walking out of my bedroom because they said it was going to rain. I opened the door to see that it was drizzling outside. I walked to my car and unlocked the door. I climbed in and turned on the heat. I drove to school.

I walked into homeroom, all eyes on me. Did I forget to put on shoes or something? I looked down to see that I had on my furry boots. I walked up to my seat to see that I had a beautiful bouquet of roses sitting on my desk! I smiled to myself. I set my book bag down and looked at Madison and Lizzy. 'Who sent the roses?' I mouthed to them. They both shrugged. I sighed and sat down. I picked them up and smelled them. They smelled sweet. I looked at the tag to see who the roses were from. They were from Jack! "Awww..." I said. It was so sweet of him to send me roses! I sighed and inhaled the sweet scent they carried.

I happened to see Jack after lunch. "Thank you for the roses, baby." I said, leaning in for a kiss. I got a little peck from him. He walked to his next class while I was standing in the middle of the hall. Why does he have to be so nice to me?

"Mom, I'm home!" I cried, opening the door. I walked in to hear my feet crunching on something. Broken glass! Did someone break in? I walked into the kitchen to see a horrific sight. There, in wolf form, was dad laying down. I knelt down. His chest rose and fell shakily. Dad whimpered. I looked to see about ten gunshot wounds in his side. "Dad!" I cried. I saw a tear run down his face. He whimpered again. "Dad, I love you," I said, tears streaming down my face. He picked up his head slowly and licked my hand. His breathing stopped. "No, dad! Wake up! You can't leave me!" I screamed. Blood pooled on the wooden floor. "Mom!" I cried. I ran into her room, to find her calming Lillie. Poor kid. Lillie is only one and she had to witness her father die. Mom was crying, too. "Mom, what happened?" She stopped crying when she saw me. "Oh, honey! Some werewolf hunters came and tracked us down because they said they saw the little thing that you and your dad did on the news! It was horrible! Your father protected us, he ran front of me when a werewolf hunter tried to shoot me. Lillie, its okay, baby," she said while Lillie trembled in her arms. "What am I supposed to do, tell police we're werewolves? No! They'll never believe us!" She broke down into a sob. I ran outside, tears running down my face. It was pouring outside, but I didn't care. I sat down on our porch steps. I turned on my phone and texted Jack:

'Please pick me up at my house!'


'No time to explain, just pick me up, PLEASE!!!!!:('

'Alright. I'll be right over.'

It seemed like forever until Jack got to my house. As soon as he pulled in the driveway, I stood up. He rolled the window down to see me soaking wet. "Nicole! What are you doing standing in the rain?" I climbed in his Chevy. "Just drive. I'll tell you later."

"Okay. Where do you want me to drive you to?"

"Anywhere. Just as long as there isn't many people around when we get there."

He pulled into Lincoln Park."Why are we here!" I cried out.

"This place doesn't have hardly anybody here on rainy days. So it'll just be me and you."

I sighed. He parked under a pine tree an opened the door for me. I stepped out, and flopped onto a nearby bench. I let out a sob. Jack walked over and sat down beside me. "What's wrong?" he asked, comforting me. I swallowed. "My dad.... the werewolf hunters came to my house today and killed him." I hugged him. He hugged me back. "I know it wasn't anyone from our group because we aren't that barbaric. We actually depend on the werewolves in this area to track down the rouges and stuff." I looked up at him. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the rain fall. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his jacket around my shivering body. We sat there for what seemed like hours(we probably sat there for about 30 minutes). "Do you want me to take you home?" Jack asked me. I shook my head no. He held me tight in his arms. I watched the sun go down.

It was about dark when Jack took me home. I gave him a hug. "Love you!" he called to me as I stepped inside. Mom saw me walk in. She had her hands on her hips. "Where were you? I was worried sick!" she cried.

"I went to the park with Jack."

"Oh. Go to bed young lady. We'll discuss this in the morning."

I walked up the stairs an buried myself deep under the covers. I wish dad had never gotten killed.

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