Chapter 3

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I woke up to sunlight in my face. I yawned, stretching. I laid there for a moment, my thoughts drifting to Jack. I imagined me and him, holding hands, hugging, kissing, the normal couple things. I smiled. I rolled out of bed, and in the process I fell on the floor! I walked in my bathroom. I stripped down and took a long, hot shower. The warm water felt good on my body. It was relieving the chill I had on my body from the fan being on. I must've stayed in there for an hour. I walked into my closet. I already had on my undergarments. I grabbed a black short sleeve hoodie off of the rack, slipped it over my head, and walked back into my room. I could smell bacon and sausage cooking downstairs. I looked at my alarm clock. 10:07 it said. I opened up my jeans drawer, dug out my faded denim jeans, and pulled them on. I ran down the stairs, probably waking up everyone in the entire neighborhood. I walked in to our kitchen, which was connected to our dining room. Mom turned around. "You're up early this morning," she said to me.
"What do you mean, 'I'm up early this morning'?"
"Usually you're up at about twelve, or even one o'clock." She laughed. "Are you hungry?" she asked me. My stomach growled loudly. "I guess so!" I said, laughing. My baby sister was in her high chair, gurgling and carrying on. "You hungry?" I asked her. "Feed me!" she exclaimed. ( It actually sounded like "Fee me!") I laughed. "You have a good vocabulary to be only one!" I said to her. I waked over to the tv and put it on Disney Jr. She gasped when she saw that Doc Mcstuffins was on. "Docta! Docta!" Lillie cried out from her high chair. She then started to bawl. Mom walked over to the high chair and gently lifted Lillie out. She then sat her on the floor. Lillie started moving her body to the theme song. I laughed. Mom sat a platter of bacon, pancakes, eggs, and sausage on the table. I put everything on my plate. (werewolves ARE hungry, you know!) I scarfed it down in an instant, turning up my glass of orange juice and chugging it. "Ah...." I said, setting the empty glass on the table. "I'm going for a walk!" I said as I was slipping on my black work boots. I stepped outside, letting the cool, autumn air hit my face. I jumped off of my porch and broke into a run. I ran past Savannah's house; she waved at me from her bedroom window. I waved back. I ran until I got to Madison's house. I walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. Madison's 18 year old brother answered the door. "You rang?" he said to me. "Where's Madison and Lizzy?"
"Upstairs. You should know that. they always gossip up there."

I walked past him, trudging up the stairs. I went down the hall and knocked on Madison's door. She answered. "Oh! It's you! We texted you, like, fifty times last night! Come on in!" I saw Lizzy putting on some eyeliner. She already straightened her brownish-red hair. She was still in her pajamas, like Madison. Lizzy screamed. Madison turned around, startled. "Harry finally asked me out!"

She showed us a picture of a boy with fair skin, curly brown hair, and green eyes. He was cute. "He changed his status on Facebook from single to 'I'm taken'!" She screamed again. I covered my ears. "Can I tell y'all something?" I asked. They looked confused. "Sure."

I took a deep breath.

"I.... am a werewolf."

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