Chapter 17

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I awoke to chills. I looked down to see that I had kicked off my blanket. OMG!!! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I jumped out of bed and pulled on a white lace and purple shirt, white jeans, and some black combat boots. I grabbed my phone and keys and ran to my car. I turned on the heat because of the cold winter morning. Today I am finally 17 years old!!! I am so happy!!!

As soon as I walked in the school, I saw Lizzy and Madison waiting for me at the bathroom. I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to them. It was Jack. "So, how's my little wolf?" he asked jokingly. I smiled. "Ya do know that today is my birthday, right?"

"Oh... well... I've been waiting to tell old are you again?"

"I was sixteen but now I'm seventeen! Think!" I tapped him jokingly on the head, which he acted like it didn't hurt even though it did. We held hands, fingers intertwined. "Oh, well I guess I need to give you a present." Jack said suddenly. He put my face in his hands and kissed me gently. After a few moments he pulled away. "Happy Birthday." he said smiling. I was in a daze; the kiss was so sudden. A teacher that was standing near us was tapping his foot giving us a cold stare. Jack shrugged and led me down the hall. I looked back to see Lizzy and Madison giving me thumbs up. I smiled back at them. Jack stopped in front of his homeroom. "Well.... see ya later...." he said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving to go to mine.

I felt so sick at lunch. I ran into the bathroom on the way to third period, bumping into Aniya. "What you doing gurrl?" she said. I ran past her to get into the nearest stall. I got on my knees, ready to puke, only to realize that it was my ahem... woman problems affecting me. I put on a pad that I had in my pocket and walked out of the stall uncomfortably. "Hey, you okay?" Aniya said, concern in her voice. "Yeah. I'm fine. We gotta get in Mrs. Andrews class or we will be late!" I grabbed my book bag and ran into the classroom with Aniya. I flopped down to see Jack looking at me with those beautiful sapphire colored eyes. I smiled at him and let my thoughts drift away, wondering about what the future will behold.

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