-Chapter 50

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"Baby, wake up." Niall whispered in my ear. "It's four now, we need to get going."

"Don't wanna." I groaned. He just kissed my forehead and left my bedroom. We're going to America today, we had to get up early because we have to be there for some performance on a live show.

I eventually willed myself out of bed and got dressed. It was absolutely fucking freezing. I shivered and walked to the bathroom to find Niall brushing his teeth. At least he had his own toothbrush this time. I started brushing my teeth and shoved him out of the way. I was too tired and grumpy to care.

"Excuse you me." He placed his hand on his hip, giving me a glare. "That was downright rude."

"Shut up." I glared at him. He finished brushing his teeth and went back to my bedroom. Niall had helped me pack, I hate packing and I just hope I haven't forgotten anything.

"We have to go." Niall said when he saw me standing staring at our luggage. I quickly ran to Joanna's room to say bye.

"Bye Joanna, love you." I kissed her cheek. Her eyes cracked open slightly. "go back to sleep." I said and stoked her hair.

"Bye Jen." She said before falling back asleep. I wiped the tear which obviously hadn't come from my eye like God I don't cry. I quietly left her room and met Niall at the bottom of the stairs. He must of seen how upset I was because he came and gave me a huge hug.

"Don't worry, we are gonna have lots of fun."

"I hope so." I smiled and followed him out to the car. We have been dating now for three days and I literally can't contain myself. The first day I felt as though I was walking in a wonderland, I just love him so much.

We got into his car and started the journey to the airport. We met Liam and Zayn there, Harry and Louis were in L.A so we were meeting them there.

"I'm so excited." I jumped up and down as we got on the jet.

"And half an hour ago she was like a bear." Niall told the boys.

"Don't blame her." Zayn said.

"I'm going back to sleep." Liam announced, putting on his headphones.

"Me too." Niall agreed.

"No Niall." I whined.

"You sleep too." He opened his arm so I could climb on his lap.

"No I don't wanna sleep, I am too excited." I said.

"We are gonna be in America for the rest of the summer and you are gonna be tired in two hours so come on, sleep." He said. I whined but asked Zayn to hand me one of the blankets beside him. He threw one over at me and I wrapped it around myself.

"C'mere." Niall nodded. I took off my shoes and then walked over to his seat. He welcomed me with open arms. I snuggled into his chest while he held me tight. "Sleep now Jen." He kissed the top of my head. I love when he shortens my name, it sends tingles to my spine.

Niall fell asleep quickly again, me on the other hand? Nope. It took me quite a while but I eventually did and I didn't feel as though I was sleeping ten minutes before Niall was waking me up because he needed to pee.

The plane was landing anyways so it didn't matter.

I put my shoes on as Niall sat back down. "Did you sleep?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"I was basically only asleep when you woke me up."

"Sorry, but we're here anyways." He pointed out. We grabbed our things and I sluggishly got out of the jet and into the van that was waiting for us. It wasn't long into the drive I had actually fallen asleep, my head dropping onto Niall's shoulder. I was wrecked.

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