A Quiet Saturday

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"Tzuyu-ah! How are you feeling?" I asked as the younger one tied her apron.

"A lot better, I'm not sick anymore."

"Are you sure? You know you can always take another day off."

"I'm fine unnie, besides I didn't want to miss out on a Saturday!" 

"Of course, it's the only day you see your special someone." I teased as we walked out to the front.

Tzuyu got behind the counter as I opened up the cafe.

"Unnie! You're so mean." Tzuyu pouted as I walked over to her.

"I'm kidding, but it's quite obvious that you two love each other more than us." 

"Okay, so maybe I have a little crush." Tzuyu put her head down.

Before I could speak, the bell rang signalling customers. I looked over and saw the Japanese trio, Sana, Mina, and Momo. Tzuyu immediately brightened up and went over to hug the three.

I couldn't hide my smile as I walked over to the three of them.

"And what could I get you three today?" I asked.

"The regular." Mina answered as she went over with Momo to sit down at their usual spot near the back.

"Tzuyu-ah, how are you feeling today?"

"Better unnie!" 

"That's good, now go help Nayeon unnie with our orders." Sana ordered.

"Okay," Tzuyu went over to help me as Sana went over to the other two Japanese girls. 

We got their orders done and took it over to them. 

Throughout the next two hours, people were coming in and out. Some regulars stayed for a bit before leaving. Other than that, it was quite peaceful. 

The three Japanese girls would stay for most of the day, helping out if needed. As the cafe was now fairly empty, the bell rang and I saw Jihyo with another girl. She had short brown hair that was up in a ponytail and round glasses on.

Jihyo told the girl something before she went and sat near the book corner. Jihyo walked up to the counter to greet us and order.

"Hi Jihyo!" I smiled, my bunny teeth showing.

"Hi Nayeon unnie."

"Who's your friend?" 

"Oh, that's Jeongyeon. We are in the same classes in college."

"Ah, I see. Well what can I get you?"

"The regular for me. For Jeongyeon, get her a hot chocolate and a slice of your famous strawberry shortcake." Jihyo ordered.

"Alright, I'll get that to you as fast as possible." I smiled before walking back to where Tzuyu was. "Regular for Jihyo and one hot chocolate."

"Got it!" Tzuyu got to work. 

I got a small plate and got a slice of strawberry shortcake. After a couple of minutes, Tzuyu handed me two mugs. I took the order over and set it down at the table.

"There you go, anything else Jihyo?" I asked.

"No, I think we'll be good for now." Jihyo smiled. I bowed politely before going back to the counter.

I watched from afar as Jeongyeon tried the strawberry shortcake. She smiled automatically and nodded when Jihyo asked a question. I noticed Tzuyu was gone and saw that she was with Sana. I also realized that two people haven't come in today which was odd.

Where are those two troublemakers? Usually they come in on Saturday and Tuesday. Momo got over and walked over to me, leaning on the counter.

"Dahyun apparently got a fever, so I'm going to head over to see her."

"Whipped." I chuckled as she handed me her card.

"I just want to go take care of her since Chae can't watch her all day." 

"Alright, tell her I wish her well." I said as I handed her card back.

"I will, bye unnie!" Momo waved before leaving.

Since it was quiet, I walked over to Jihyo's table and sat down beside her since it was a three person table.

"Ah Nayeon. Jeongyeon, this is Nayeon who is the owner of this cafe."

I held out my hand and she shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice...nice to meet you too." 

"So it's your first time here?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered.

"so how was the shortcake?"

"Delicious!" Jeongyeon smiled brightly. 

"That's good. I spend my own time outside of work making all these treats."

"Really? You're a really good baker then."

"Aw, thank you." 

"Jeongyeon, we should probably get going now since we still have a project due Monday." Jihyo groaned.

"Must be a big one for you to leave early."

"It is." Jihyo answered.

Jihyo handed me her card and I walked over to the counter to pay. After paying I came back and handed it to her.

"Jeongyeon, I expect you to come back here." Jihyo stated as she put on her coat.

"I plan to." 

"Well then I'll see you soon. Bye Jihyo and Jeongyeon." I waved before going back to the counter.

Once they left, I headed back to clean their table. I noticed some green and saw a twenty dollar tip. Jihyo usually payed a ten dollar tip, which means Jeongyeon pitched in.

I hope to see Jeongyeon soon.

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