A Busy Tuesday

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Tuesday, one of the busiest days for some odd reason. Yesterday after Jeongyeon left, Tzuyu went over to clean up the table. Apparently she left a twenty dollar tip and her phone number which Tzuyu gave to me. I haven't texted her yet though.

It was noon when two familiar troublemakers walked in. 

"Nayeon unnie!" Dahyun and Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"Hi you two. How are you?" 


"Haven't gotten into trouble?"

"We aren't that bad of troublemakers." Dahyun stated with a pout.

"Right, right. What could I get you two?" 

"Two hot chocolates. We'll be reading today!" 

"Alright, two hot chocolates Tzuyu-ah." 

"Got it!"

Dahyun and Chaeyoung walked over to the table nearest in the corner, putting their phones down before going to pick out a book. Once Tzuyu was done, she took the two hot chocolates over. 

I walked over to the two to talk to them for a bit.

"So I heard that you were sick Saturday, right Dahyun?"

"Yup. Momo came over to take care of me."

"Yah! And they almost kissed!" Chaeyoung exclaimed eagerly.

"Shut up Chae! I don't see you trying to kiss Mina unnie." 

"That's because I don't like her like that."

"You literally told us that you liked her a week ago, why are you denying now?" I asked.

"Okay fine, but at least I don't try to kiss her."

"It was wrong timing to turn my head, that's all!" 

"Fine fine. Nayeon unnie, when do you plan on getting with someone? Before you know it you'll be a single grandma." 

I hit her arm. "I'm still young, I'm not Irene's age yet." 

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my back pocket.

Irene: at least i have a lover, unlike you thank you very much

"How did she? Nevermind." I muttered. "Anyhow, I just haven't found anyone."

"How about Jeongyeon unnie? I heard she visited here." 

"Yeah, twice. Talked for a bit but that was it." 

"She's also called you beautiful and cute, several times." Chaeyoung added, making me blush.

"Okay fine, she's pretty." 

"Just pretty?"

"Yes, just pretty. Now I have a cafe to run." I said as I got up and walked away. 

Those kids, always trying to get the truth out. 

"Unnie," I turned back to see Tzuyu. She pointed to a table with her chin, "Yeji and Lia are here alone this time." 

"Kids." I mumbled, smiling.

Since no one was coming in or needed help, I walked over to Yeji and Lia. I pulled up a chair from an empty table and sat with them.

"Oh, hi unnie!" Yeji smiled brightly.

"What are you two up to?" 

"We're just out since the others have school."

"Ah, right I forgot." 

"When are you going to get with someone unnie?" Lia asked.

"Why does everyone ask?" I questioned as I slouched down in the chair.

"Sorry but everyone is wondering." Yeji apologized.

"Yeah and we noticed that someone new showed up yesterday."

"Oh yeah, everyone else is friends with her but me. She seems nice." 

"Seems like she was interested in you as well. Always staring at you every chance she got." Yeji added.


"Yeah, you didn't notice?" Lia stirred her hot chocolate.

"No I didn't, I was busy." 

"You would've swore she was staring at a goddess." Yeji stated and Lia nodded in agreement as she took a sip of her drink.

"Well," I stood up and returned the chair. "Maybe she was." I grinned before walking away.

I've always been known as the one with the most self confidence. It definitely helps your mental health even if you're jokingly teased for it. 

The day continued as usual, with people coming in and out. When it hit two thirty, it became empty as it was close to closing time. We started to clean up.

Once it hit three, I changed the open sign to closed. I sent Tzuyu home early and continued cleaning. Around three thirty, it started pouring.

"You've got to be kidding me! It didn't say it was supposed to rain!" I groaned and stomped my foot.

I didn't bring an umbrella today, just my luck. I continued to clean, hoping it would die down by the time it was done. I went to the back to change. Once I had finished, I heard the bell above the door ring.

"Didn't you see the sign-." I cut myself off when I saw Jeongyeon, closing her umbrella. 

"I did." 

"O-oh, sorry Jeongyeon."

"It's fine, I was just...stopping by." 

"Oh, I see." 

"Yeah, it's raining pretty hard out there." 

"I wish I brought an umbrella with me." I said to myself.

"Then maybe I can walk you home."

"Oh no, it's fine Jeongyeon. You don't have to."

"No, please let me. I don't want you getting sick." Jeongyeon assured.

"Hm, alright."

I finished up cleaning and finally we walked out. I locked the cafe doors and we started walking with Jeongyeon's umbrella protecting me from the rain. We talked, getting to know one another. I learned that she had been looking for a place to relax, which led Jihyo to recommend my cafe. 

"Today was busy." Jeongyeon muttered.

"Yeah, it was."

"School really stresses me out."

"Well you should be glad it's your last year." 

"I'm also glad that I was recommended to try your cafe. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have met you." 

I felt my face heat up, averting my eyes away from Jeongyeon. After a quiet minute, we started talking again. Soon, we were in front of my house.

"You got my number, right?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yup, I'll text you tonight." I smiled.

"Sounds good, bye Nayeon."

"Bye Jeongyeon!" I exclaimed before entering my house. 

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