A Fun Sunday

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I woke up, feeling weight on my side and chest. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in Nayeon's house and specifically her living room. I looked down and saw Nayeon, fast asleep with her head on my chest.

I felt my face heat up and my heart starting to beat faster. What even happened last night? I looked around and saw two wine bottles sitting on the coffee table, which one was empty while the other one was half empty.

That explains why I can't remember anything. I just hope we didn't do anything...that we would regret. All I remember is we had dinner, then we planned on watching a movie. Now, Nayeon was fast asleep on my chest, looking beautiful as always.

I didn't dare move due to not wanting to disturb the sleeping bunny. That was until my phone started ringing, which was on the coffee table. I grabbed it, causing Nayeon to squirm a bit. By the time I answered, Nayeon was already sitting up.


"Hey Jeongyeon, sorry to disturb but I just wanted to tell you that Sana plans on being released tomorrow afternoon from the hospital." It was Jihyo.

"Ah, okay."

"Oh, and where did you go last night? You weren't at the dorm."

"O-oh, I stayed at Nayeon's for the night."

"Ohhh, I see. Well, got to go now bye!" Jihyo hung up on me.

I swear she's going to go tell the rest of the group and then we'll be teased. I glanced over at Nayeon who was checking her phone. 

"Morning Nayeon."

"Good morning Jeongyeon." Nayeon answered, not looking up from her phone. "Luckily I woke up early, I still have to get ready to go work."

"Ah, that's right. Sorry."

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who suggested wine." Nayeon laughed.

"Right, right. I should probably head back to the dorms." 

"Do you have classes today?"

"Nope, not today." 

"Maybe you should come join me in the cafe since Tzuyu plans on staying with Sana today."

"Oh, sure!" I agreed, eager to spend my day with Nayeon. "I'll meet you at the cafe?"

"Yup, around ten."

"Got it!" I said as I grabbed my phone. I hugged Nayeon who hugged back. "Bye Nayeon, I'll see you soon."

"Bye Jeongyeon!" Nayeon exclaimed before I left her house. 

I practically ran most of the way to the dorms. Once I arrived at my dorm, I went in and grabbed a random black t-shirt with a band on it and skinny jeans. I went to grab a shower then, changing into my outfit once I was done.

I walked out and saw Jihyo enter.

"Ah, there you are." 

"You're lucky you caught me, I plan on leaving here soon."

"Why's that?"

"I'm going to work with Nayeon today since Tzuyu won't be there." 

"Right, right. Have fun then." Jihyo said as she grabbed something and left the dorm.

I brushed my hair and put it in a low ponytail. I then continued to do my makeup. Once I was finished, I glanced at my phone that showed that I had twenty minutes left. I decided to leave anyhow, since it took about ten minutes to get there.

I texted Nayeon that I was on my way to the cafe already. Upon arriving, I saw Nayeon standing at the door.


"Ah there you are Jeongyeon, come on. We have a cafe to open." Nayeon said as she turned to unlock the doors. 

Nayeon went to the back where she turned all the lights on, before we headed to the back room. We put on aprons and continued out as Nayeon and I started preparing before opening.

"Alright. Ready Jeongyeon?" I nodded eagerly. Nayeon walked over and turned the sign to open. "Luckily, it won't be so busy today."

"Ah, that's good."

"You know we never really got to know each other. Unless we did and we just couldn't remember it." Nayeon chuckled.

"Possibly." I chuckled as well.

"Then, today we can get to know each other better."

And so we did.

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