Part 5

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Yoongi pov:
I miss her... I miss her eyes, her lips... I miss everything about her. I never thought I could fall so easily for someone but she proved me wrong. I want to see her every single day, feel her soft skin and body warmth as our lips flow together in passionate kisses. I want to tell the boys about it but for some reason I'm afraid.
I don't want that my relationship affects our group although we are allowed to date.
But still, I can't last a day without thinking about her ever since I saw her at that concert.
She'll really drive me insane!
- "I'll see you in my dreams Y/N." -he said and drifted to sleep.
- After you had lunch you got back to your room.
- "He's probably already sleeping." -you said to yourself and took some books to study so you could get Yoongi off of your mind.
- Hours have passed and it was now 8 pm.
- You stopped with studying because you got bored of it so you just threw yourself on the bed and took your phone.
- You were watching concert videos again when you got a facetime call from Yoongi.
- "What? Why is he calling now??" -you said to yourself confused and picked up the call.
- Yoongi: "Would you come to Korea?"
- He was in his pjs, messy hair and sleepy eyes indicating that he woke up recently.
- Y/N: "W-What??" -you were now even more confused.
- Yoongi: "I'll pay for the plane ticket and you can stay at my apartment I bought recently."
- Y/N: "B-But my exams are in one month, I-I have to study Yoongi."
- Yoongi: "Come on, just one week Y/N."
- Y/N: "But how I'm going to tell my parents? They don't know anything about this, about us!"
- Yoongi: "Just tell them and if they won't let you go, I'll call and beg them."
- Yoongi: "Listen Y/N, I know this happened so fast, but ever since that night we met I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about you."
- His eyes weren't sleepy anymore and his face expression was serious.
- Y/N: "Yoongi I..." -you mumbled but you couldn't form a sentence.
- Yoongi: "Y/N, it's 3 am in Korea and I can't sleep because of you. You have to come and fix that." -he giggled at what he said.
- Even he was in shock how hard he fell in love with you in such a short time.
- You were silent for a couple of minutes, analyzing the whole situation.
- Yoongi: "Y/N?"
- Y/N: "I'll ask my parents tonight." -you finally said.
- Yoongi: "You will?" -he widened his eyes, a smile forming on his face.
- Y/N: "Now go and sleep silly!"
- Yoongi: "But how will I know if your parents agreed?" -he pouted.
- Y/N: "I'll message you as soon as we finish the conversation."
- Yoongi: "Okay."
- Y/N: "Good night Yoongi." -you said and ended the call.
- You immediately got up from the bed and rushed around the house to find your mum.
- "Mum when is dad coming from work??"
- "I think he should be home in 30 minutes, why?"
- "We need to have a very important conversation." -you said and your mum widened her eyes in shock.
- "Should I be worried Y/N?"
- "No, it's nothing bad but it's a serious situation." -you said and went back to your room.
- "Gosh what I got myself into?" -you said to yourself.
- You began wandering around your room, thinking and talking to yourself about the possible outcomes.
- Then you heard that your dad finally came home.
- "Y/N dinner is done!" -your mum shouted from the kitchen and you rushed to the dining room.
- "Dad you're finally home!" -you said as you hugged him.
- "Woah what's all that excitement for? It's not like I come home like this every day." -your dad said, surprised by your sudden behaviour.
- You all sat down and started eating.
- After a couple of minutes of silence you decided to start talking.
- "It's now or never." -you said to yourself, taking a deep breath in.
- "Mum, dad, I have something to tell you." -you finally said and they looked at you, leaving down their forks.
- "I know how crazy this may sound but I swear I'm being honest with you and before you say anything, please let me explain it all until the end."
- "When my friend, Y/F/N and I went to the BTS concert a few days ago something I never thought could happen really happened. Since we were right in front of the stage, it was possible that the boys would notice us and Yoongi actually did. He spotted me first during the soundcheck and later on during the concert he went back to our section a few times and one time he also gave me a bottle of water. When Y/F/N and I went back to the hotel I saw that there were some numbers written on the bottle. Although my hopes weren't high, I still tried and texted that number and it turned out that it was really Yoongi's phone number. He facetimed me and said that he wants to see me before I return home and said yes because who the hell wouldn't accept the invitation from Min Yoongi himself?! So the next day we met up at his hotel room because it was question of his privacy and safety you know. And after hours of talking I had to leave but we continued messaging each other and I feel like we really clicked although it all happened so quickly. And a few hours ago he called me to ask me to come to Korea for a week and said that he will pay for the plane ticket and everything." -you breathed out as you said the last sentence.

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