Part 24

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- After you safely landed back in Korea, Yoongi and you greeted the boys and left for his apartment.
- "Do you have anything scheduled for today?" -you asked him.
- "No. Now go to bed you need to rest." -he took your hand to lead you to the bedroom.
- "But I'm feeling better today!" -you whined, letting go of his hand.
- "Still, one day is not enough for rest. You don't want to have fever again don't you?"
- "No." -you pouted, making him giggle.
- "Come on baby." -he took your hand and led you to the bedroom.
- "And what will you do?" -you raised and eyebrow.
- "I will cuddle with you." -he said and pecked your lips softly.
- "Then we can stay in bed the whole day." -you chuckled.
- "That was my intention." -he chuckled too.
- You both changed into comfy clothes and laid together in bed.
- The rest of the day was filled with his warm cuddles and soft kisses, small talks about random things and just pure enjoyment of you two being together.
- After a few days in Seoul, it was time to go to Japan again to hold two more shows and finish their Japan tour.
- Disguised as a part of the staff again, you successfully passed through all the paparazzi without being even noticed.
- Once you came to the hotel, you threw yourself on the bed as usual.
- "I'm so happy I'm not sick anymore. I'll enjoy these two concerts more than ever!" -you said happily.
- Yoongi saw that you closed your eyes for a moment and took it as a chance to hover above you, placing a small peck on your lips.
- "What are you doing mister?" -you said surprised.
- He just chuckled and kissed you again, but this time slower and more passionate, biting your lower lip as he broke the kiss.
- "Okay it's working." -you mumbled and pulled him by his neck to your lips again.
- You were having a hot make out sessions when someone suddenly began knocking on your door, making you both startled.
- "Hyung are you two in there? I have some great news!" -it was Taehyung.
- Yoongi sighed in frustration, clearly not happy that Taehyung came just when it got heated between you two.
- "What is it Taehyung?" -Yoongi asked.
- "Can I come in? I don't want to shout."
- "Come on Yoongi, let him in." -you giggled and Yoongi sighed and got up from the bed.
- You got up too and fixed yourself before Yoongi opened the door.
- "Hi guys!" -Taehyung smiled and entered the room.
- "Hi Tae! What's the good news?"
- "The hotel gave us access to the pool! And it's just for us!" -he said.
- "Oh my gosh really?!" -you said excited.
- "Yeah! Hurry up and put on your swimsuits!"
- "I don't like water." -Yoongi said.
- "Come on Yoongi!" -you whined.
- "I'll go now, don't take too long!" -Taehyung said and left the room.
- "Do you even have swimsuit?" -he asked you.
- "Of course I do! I always bring one with me because something unexpected can happen. Just like what happened now!" -you said and took your swimsuit from the suitcase.
- "I don't want to go Y/N-ah!" -he whined.
- "Do it for me pleaseeee." -you pouted.
- "Ugh okay. But you own me a lot of kisses."
- "Deal!" -you said and went to the bathroom to change.
- After a few minutes you came out and Yoongi's jaw dropped as he saw your handsome figure.
- "You're not going in that." -he said.
- "Yoongi! It's just a swimsuit!"
- "But I don't want them to stare at you!"
- "I'm sure they won't because they're probably scared of how would you react." -you said and took his hand.
- "Ah you're finally here!" -Taehyung smiled as you two came to the pool.
- "We were waiting for you so we can all jump in together!" -Namjoon said.
- You shyly took off your robe and Yoongi gave a threatening look to the boys to warn them not to dare to stare at you.
- "Okay let's go!" -you said and jumped into the pool.
- The boys jumped after you and Yoongi sat down on a deck chair with a grumpy expression on his face.
- You had a lot of fun with the boys but you felt bad seeing Yoongi just sitting there and observing you like he's your guard.
- "I never thought Yoongi could be this jealous." -Namjoon chuckled.
- "Me neither." -you chuckled too.
- You swam to the edge of the pool where Yoongi was sitting.
- "You're not going to entee the pool at all?" -you asked him.
- "I'm not in the mood." -he said coldly.
- "Is something bothering you?" -you asked, trying to hold in your giggles because you knew the reason.
- "It's nothing. Will we go soon?"
- "Only if you enter the pool."
- "Y/N-ahhh!" -he whined.
- "You won't get any kisses for the rest of the day."
- Hearing your words he immediately got up and slowly entered the pool.
- "Woahhh Yoongi hyung is coming in!" -Hoseok said.
- "Seriously Y/N how did you do this?" -Namjoon asked.
- "Shut up." -Yoongi said.
- Even though he wasn't very fond of water, he ended up actually enjoying it.
- "This was so fun!" -you said as you and Yoongi came back to your room.
- "Yeah yeah." -Yoongi said.
- "Let's take a shower." -you said and led Yoongi to the bathroom.
- You both took off your swimsuits and entered the shower.
- "You don't need to be jealous anymore Yoongi." -you giggled and cupped his face.
- He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulled you closer to his body and gave you a very passionate kiss.
- "How can I not be jealous when you're so hot. I want you only for myself." -he said in between the kisses.
- "I'm all yours." -you chuckled.
- After you finished showering and dried yourselves, you laid in the bed dead tired.
- Yoongi hovered above you and began leaving slow wet kisses on your neck.
- "Yoongi I'm really tired." -you said.
- "You better give me all those kisses tomorrow." -he said as he laid next to you.
- "I can give you even more than that" -you smirked.

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