Part 17

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- He leaned closer and rested his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes.
- "These were the best days of my life thanks to you Y/N."
- "I love you Yoongi." -you said with teary eyes and gently pressed your lips on his.
- Once you got back to Seoul, you stayed awake till early in the morning, just cuddling together and talking a lot because it was your last night together.
- You slowly opened your eyes, stretching from a good sleep.
- "Huh? Where is Yoongi?" -you mumbled to yourself.
- "Morning babe." -he smiled from the doors, holding a tray with food in his hands.
- "Morning Yoongi." -you smiled too as he approached your side of the bed and put the tray on the night stand.
- "I made us some pancakes." -he said and pecked your lips.
- "Thank you." -you smiled and he pecked your lips once again but you cupped his face and pulled him closer to prolong the kiss, making him chuckle.
- He hovered above you, his one hand next to your face and the other holding your neck to deepen the kiss.
- "The pancakes will get cold." -he chuckled between the kisses.
- "I don't care at this point." -you said with a breathy voice making him smirk.
- His lips went to your neck, slowly licking and biting the skin while his hands snuck under your shirt, sending shivers down your spine.
- "You'll go home with a little souvenir." -he smirked as he saw your neck marked with purple hickeys.
- "Guess I'll have to wear a scarf." -you chuckled.
- "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed since it's your last day here and you led things in other way."
- "We can eat now if you want to." -you said.
- "Nahh, the pancakes have probably gotten cold so there's no point in stopping this." -he said and kissed you, making you giggle through the kiss.
- "You're really turned on aren't you?" -you chuckled.
- "It's your fault for being so hot." -he said as he took off his and then your shirt.
- "At least we can drink the orange juice." -you giggled as you two finished with your 'session' and he giggled too.
- "When do we have to leave for the airport?" -you asked him.
- "Around 6 pm."
- "Then I better go and start packing." -you said and grabbed Yoongi's shirt because it was closest on the floor.
- You put it on and got up from the bed.
- "You look so cute." -he chuckled.
- He stayed lying in bed while you were going around the apartment and gathered all your stuff.
- "I think that's it." -you said as you locked your suitcase.
- "Let's go somewhere to eat. It's around lunchtime." -Yoongi said and got up from the bed.
- "Sure." -you nodded and took your clothes you put aside to change into.
- Once you were both ready, you got inside the car and he drove you to a restaurant owned by Jin and his brother.
- When you returned home, there was only one hour left until you had to leave for the airport.
- You got inside the car and before Yoongi started driving, he took your hand and intertwined your fingers together.
- "I love you." -he said with a smile although his eyes couldn't hide his sadness.
- The whole drive to the airport was silent as both of you were too emotional to say anything.
- Once you arrived, Yoongi was about to get out of the car but you grabbed his hand.
- "Wait!" -you said and handed him his face mask and he looked at you with a warm smile as he put it on.
- He took your suitcase from the trunk and wanted to carry it for you but you stopped him.
- "I don't want you to go inside. It's probably crowded with people." -you said.
- "But baby.." -he pouted and got closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
- "I love you so much." -you broke down crying and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
- A few tears escaped his eyes too although he tried not to cry.
- "Don't cry baby, we'll see each other again." -he said and you raised your head to look at his glowing eyes.
- "I know, but it'll be so hard to last one month without your hugs and kisses." -you said and he hugged you tightly.
- "My little baby." -he said as he caressed your back.
- He lifted your face by your chin and lowered his face mask to place a soft kiss on your lips.
- Your hands resting on his chest, his tightly holding your waist, both having your eyes closed, fully enjoying that soft kiss that turned into a passionate one.
- "I don't want tooo~" -you pouted.
- Yoongi giggled and pulled you in for another kiss.
- "See you soon babe." -he said as he broke the kiss, resting his forehead on yours.
- You took your suitcase and with a sad face expression waved to Yoongi.
- You slowly walked to the airport building, turning around every second to look at Yoongi again and again.
- You finally got to the stairs and turned around one last time to see him.
- He did a heart sign with his hands above his head and although his face was covered, you could see that his eyes were smiling.
- "I love you." -you whispered to yourself and entered the building.

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