Part 18

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- After you went through the check-in and security process you sat down in the lounge area, waiting for your flight to be announced.
- You took your phone and saw that Yoongi texted you.
- "Have a safe flight, I love you baby."
- Soon you boarded the plane and after 18 hours you landed safely.
- "Y/N!!" -you saw your parents and your little sister happily running to you.
- "Ahh you're finally here! It felt like you were gone for a month!" -your mum said as she hugged you.
- "I missed you guys so much!" -you said.
- "Are you hungry? We can go and grab a pizza!" -your dad said.
- "No thanks, I just want to go home and rest."
- You arrived home and you threw yourself on the bed as soon as you entered your room.
- You took your phone and facetimed Yoongi.
- Yoongi: "Are you home?"
- Y/N: "Yes. I came 10 minutes ago."
- Yoongi: "How was the flight?"
- Y/N: "It was good. I slept through half of it." -you chuckled.
- Yoongi: "When is your first exam?"
- Y/N: "Next Friday. I have to study 24/7."
- Yoongi: "I'm sure you can do it. Hwaiting!"
- Y/N: "What are you doing?"
- Yoongi: "I'm just lying in our room. I'll return to the dorm tomorrow."
- Y/N: "OUR room?"
- Yoongi: "Yeah, where you and me slept these days. By the way, you forgot a pair of panties." -he chuckled.
- Y/N: "Aish! I thought I packed everything!" -you whined.
- You talked for a long time because neither of you wanted to end the call.
- Y/N: "I really don't want to leave but I have to. I have lessons tomorrow and I have to get up early." -you said with a sad face.
- Yoongi: "It's okay baby, we'll talk again tomorrow."
- Y/N: "Good night Yoongi."
- Yoongi: "Night Y/N." -he said and ended the call.
- "I'll unpack my suitcase tomorrow." -you sighed and went to bathroom to take a shower.
- You did your skincare routine and went to sleep.
- Sadly, you were woken up by the sound of the alarm.
- You turned to the side, imagining Yoongi was there, his hand holding your waist while looking at you with his sleepy eyes.
- "Please God make this one month pass as soon as possible." -you said to yourself and got up from the bed to get dressed.
- As soon as you arrived to your university you were jumped by your best friend who cried her eyes out.
- "I missed you so much Y/N!" -she said hugging you.
- "Come on, it's not like I've been gone for years!"
- "I know but it felt so empty without you. You have to tell me everything!!"
- "How about we go to a coffee shop after we finish with our lessons?"
- "Deal!"
- "I can't believe you met BTS Y/N!"
- "I know, I was so nervous when they first came but as time went by I became more relaxed."
- "So what are they like in person?"
- "Trust me, as same as you see them on social media. They are so funny, relaxed and humble. But gosh their looks are out of this world!"
- "Ahhhh you really have to make me suffer like that!" -she whined.
- "And what about Yoongi? How's things with him?"
- "Ooof there's so much to tell! We slept together every night, he made me breakfast, we went to Lotte World together, had a fancy dinner, he gave me money and I bought myself a Luis Vuitton dress, he showed me his studio..."
- "Did you guys do it?" -she raised an eyebrow and you giggled shyly.
- "AHHHH Y/N-AH!!!" -she shouted loudly, making the whole coffee shop shocked.
- "Jesus H/N calm down!" -you said.
- "You little motherfucker!" -she said.
- "I think I've said enough. Let's go, we both need to study!"
- "You got away this time but I'll find out everything eventually." -she said as you two got out.
- "See you tomorrow H/N." -you hugged  her and went home.
- "Okay let's study!" -you said to yourself as you opened the book.
- You studied till late evening and after you had dinner and took a shower, it was already midnight.
- You snuggled up in your bed, ready to fall asleep when you heard your phone ringing.
- "Oh my God it's Yoongi!" -you said happily and answered the facetime call.
- Yoongi: "Hi babe." -he said with his morning raspy voice, his eyes still sleepy.
- Y/N: "Yoongi-ah!!" -you shouted happily making him chuckle.
- Y/N: "Did you just woke up?"
- Yoongi: "Yeah, about 10 minutes ago. I have to leave early today for work."
- Y/N: "It's midnight here. I've been studying for the whole evening."
- Yoongi: "Don't overwork yourself baby. Make sure to eat and sleep enough."
- Y/N: "Don't worry babe I'm good."
- Yoongi: "I miss you Y/N."
- Y/N: "I miss you more."
- Yoongi: "I miss falling asleep and waking up next to you, caressing your soft skin and kissing your sweet lips."
- Y/N: "Ahh Yoongi you're making it worse for me!" -you whined.
- Yoongi: "While we were at the airport, I was constantly telling you how we will meet again soon and now that you really aren't here makes me so sad."
- Y/N: "We have to change the subject you're making me way too emotional."
- Yoongi: "I'm sorry baby."

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