Part 12

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- It was so beautiful that you didn't want to leave.
- Suddenly the sound of the phone ringing interrupted your thoughts.
- Yoongi: "How's going?"
- Y/N: "I'm enjoying in every second... Seoul is amazing!!"
- Yoongi: "I'm glad to hear that... Did you have lunch?"
- Y/N: "Yeah, I ate so much street food that I had to take a seat in the park and rest." -you laughed.
- Y/N: "Are you still working?"
- Yoongi: "Yeah... I'll be done around 6 pm."
- Y/N: "Okay then, I have enough time for shopping."
- Yoongi: "I miss you Y/N." -he pouted, making you blush even if it's just through the phone.
- Y/N: "I miss you too but I gotta go now byeee." -you giggled and hung up.
- "Let's go shoppingggg!!." -you said excited.
- You visited some major shopping streets and bought gifts for your parents, your little sister and for your best friend of course.
- It was turn to buy something for yourself so you looked around various expensive stores.
- You've entered 'Louis Vuitton' and was absolutely amazed by it's size and how luxurious it looked.
- "May I help you Miss?" -a cute older lady asked you.
- "Do you have something black and sexy?" -you asked shyly.
- "Of course! I have something perfect for you! Take a seat here till I come back." -she smiled and left.
- After a few minutes the lady came back and a satisfied smile appeared on your face as soon as you saw what she picked for you.
- Midi satin black dress with thin straps. It was so simple yet so elegant.
- You tried it on and it fitted perfectly, showing off your perfect body features.
- "You look amazing." -the lady smiled.
- "Thank you." -you said.
- Just when you bought shoes to match with the dress, Yoongi phoned you.
- Yoongi: "Where are you?"
- Y/N: "I'm at Hongdae Shopping Street."
- Yoongi: "Could you walk to the Hongik University station?"
- Y/N: "Sure I'm on my way!"
- You walked very fast because you were so excited to see Yoongi again after such a long day.
- When you finally arrived you looked around but couldn't see Yoongi.
- You took your phone to call him but a sudden back hug startled you.
- You turned around and saw him lifting up his bucket hat just a bit so you could see his little glowing eyes.
- The rest of his face was covered with an anti dust mask but you could see that it was hiding his gummy smile.
- "You're unrecognizable." -you said amazed making him giggle.
- "Let's go." -he said and took your hand and in other he carried all your shopping bags.
- He lead you to his car and he opened the door for you.
- "Are you hungry?" -was the first question he asked when you entered the car.
- "Not really. I feel that I have indigestion from all the food I ate."
- "Then should we go home?"
- "Yeah." -you nodded.
- When you arrived to the apartment you immediately threw yourself on the couch as you were dead tired.
- "I'll go and take a shower real quick." -Yoongi said as he kissed your forehead.
- After a few minutes Yoongi came back from the bathroom and saw you sleeping on the couch like a little baby.
- "God how much I love you Y/N." -he said to himself as he lifted you up and carried to the bedroom.
- He gently laid you on the bed, carefully taking off your shoes not to wake you up.
- "What am I going to do with her clothes? She can't sleap in that!" -he sighed.
- He leaned closer to your head and whispered your name.
- "Y/N?"
- "Hmmm?"
- "You have to change into your pjs." -he said softly, trying to hold back his giggles.
- "I don't want to." -you murmured.
- "Aish you're driving me crazy Y/N!"
- "Do you want me to do it for you?" -he looked at you and you just nodded, making his eyes widen in surprise.
- You were too sleepy to even think about what were you saying.
- He sat besides you and gently began taking off your shirt and then your jeans.
- You were soon left only in your underwear and Yoongi couldn't help but stare at your beautiful body.
- "I'm cold!" -you whined, startling him as he was deep in his thoughts, thinking about how he wants to touch every part of your body that was hidden until now.
- He took your pjs and put them on you and covered you with a blanket.
- "Good night Y/N." -he whispered softly to your ear.
- You woke up, rubbing your eyes in confusion as you found yourself lying in the bed.
- "How did I get here? When did I change into my pjs?" -you murmured to yourself.
- "He probably woke me up to change." -you said as you walked to the bathroom.
- You did your morning routine and once again found breakfast Yoongi prepared for you in the kitchen.
- And today he left a note too.
- Have fun exploring the city today. I'm picking you up at 8 pm from the apartment so be ready. I'm taking you out on dinner.
- "He's taking me out on dinner?" -your eyes widened.
- "I guess I could wear that dress." -you smirked.
- You packed your stuff for the day and left the apartment.
- You calculated how much time you can spend in the town so you can return to apartment on time and get ready.
- And although you were excited to explore Seoul once again, you couldn't wait for the dinner date with Yoongi.

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