chapter 11

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The small room was dark with just the two of them. Shinobu whined and whined like a hurt puppy with her back slumped against the wall. The delicious smell of blood was getting on her nerves and she struggled to keep in control. Opposite from Shinobu was a quiet Tomioka, listening quietly to Shinobu whining and whimpering. He seemed to be lost at word at what to say. Unsurprisingly though, that was just a common situation. The feeling of wanting to see someone so much that you're craving it like a wild animal only then to finally see them will definitely make you speechless. It had been long, very long for Tomioka. He just seemed speechless with the only thing to confirm that he was alive was his shallowly quiet breathing.

"Shinobu," Tomioka started, dropping the formal 'Kochou' that he used to say.

"How long has it been?" It was very quiet, silence filled them like empty shells as the whisper of Tomioka made Shinobu stop in her track.

"Nghh...," Was Shinobu's reply. She had lost her ability to speak and that annoy her to no ends. After years of not seeing Tomioka and now that she finally have the chance to speak to him again, she couldn't. Was that really too much to ask?

"I... Miss you. I miss you alot."


"Why did you do that, Shinobu. Why would you ever risk your life for me? I... I failed. I failed you, Shinobu, I left you behind, so why would you risk your life like that for me? When I came back, I- I couldn't think! People were saying that you're gone and the worst part of it was that they said you were gone for me! I- I was devastated! Four years, Shinobu, for four years I have longed for seeing you again. But now that I have, you- you're a demon! A demon!! Is that my price to pay for not saving you? For not be there for you and let you slip away from me like that?!"

The intensity and loudness of Tomioka's desperate voice made Shinobu's blood went cold. He was now face to face with her, hot breath fanning over eachother's face as Tomioka's hands pinned Shinobu's wrists on wall next to her.

She didn't know what to say.

"I'm- I'm going insane." Tomioka whispered, leaning back with a hand running through his short hair. Shinobu watched and her eyes widened slightly, actually surprised with Tomioka's look. He had cut his hair. She didn't even care about the sensitive topic anymore. She was like a child for some reason and she felt free. Shinobu just laughed. Laughed really loud and hysterically and happy. She felt liberated and free.

Tomioka's face fell slightly, just looking at her like she was crazy. She was partially, but like he said, he was too. He was going insane and wasn't she too? They were delusional and mad. Shinobu laughed like a mad man, and Tomioka really wonder if something was wrong with her, since even though Tomioka had seen Shinobu in the forest, they haven't spoken a thing. Now they didn't, they couldn't. Shinobu couldn't talk and Tomioka was pissed. But then he laughed too, like a pissed off man but for some reason happy as well.

Then Shinobu suddenly, abruptly stop and it all became very, very quiet filled with silence.

"Can't we... Can't we just go back?" There he was. The emotionless Tomioka.

"Mmm." Shinobu sounded like she agreed, and there she was, the same as him, didn't have a clue of what to say.

"Did they really put us in here because they think some bloody things were going to happen? Seems ridiculous to me." Tomioka laughed, and Shinobu laughed too, but stopped in her track when Tomioka finished his sentence.

"Everyone knows that Demons needs blood." He said, sitting next to her, slumped against the wall, the exact same posture like Shinobu and tilted his head up to look at the dark ceiling. Shinobu shrugged, not caring. She definitely didn't ignore the human smell, but it was strange how since Tomioka came closer to her the smell had died down.

She bared her teeth though, flashing them and growled, pushing Tomioka down hard against the floor and brought her face viciously close to him. God, this was fun.

"Your acting's good." Tomioka laughed. Shinobu had never seen Tomioka laughing this much before. Back when they looked like they despite eachother, Tomioka never revealed a drop of emotions and it was the same with Shinobu. She smiled, laying down next to him and held his bigger hand in her smaller one, ignoring her nails.

They stayed like that until the sun rose.

P.s. I am extremely sorry for the lack of update, but I am currently working on something so I haven't been able to update, but thank you for the ones that are still reading! I really wanted to make Shinobu and Tomioka to relax and be happy and free, so I made them carefree and relaxed in this chapter. Angst coming up though ;)

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