chapter 16

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Shinobu was beyond confused. The demon was curious, surprised, and her mind just overloaded. "Who is this?". Right now, nothing really made sense for Shinobu and nothing in the letter made sense either. At least not to the demon. There was no mistake that all those times Shinobu spent at that town, she spent it alone by herself. It was a significant time for her, and this letter broke through her timeline. It's like a part of the memories that is kept somewhere, hidden in the back of her mind.

The letters, more like confessions didn't stop on coming. Everyday a new letter would arrived, and Shinobu would sit in that corner of her room and read them all. She placed them in a stack, neat and tidy from the oldest to the newest. Aoi was giving her concern looks, but she was in no place to do so when the black hair girl passed out one time while delivering the letter. Her sickness was getting worse, and Shinobu was no longer the first priority, the first issue to be sort out. She never wanted to be.

The letter came everyday for about two weeks, neat handwriting and all, never a mistake written on pale paper, never to reveal any clue to lead to anything. The letter talked about Shinobu and her life from before. She didn't think this was creepy. Maybe the demon was the one with problems because somehow, Shinobu liked it. She likes receiving these letters because in a crap, dead end situation like her, those letters was to her only. About her only. About her feelings only.

She still couldn't participate in any activities on demons. No swords, no slicing, no missions. Her life was boring, and Tomioka seem to slip away from her. She hadn't seen Kanao at all. The girl didn't step one foot into this further side of the Estate and with Shinobu locking herself in her little room reading those sentimental letters, she was isolated form everyone.

Until one day when she woke up from her deep sleep that she found her stack of letter missing.

The letters were no where to be seen, and it was so stupid and dumb and horrible and frustrating all at the same time for Shinobu because damn, couldn't she have this one thing to herself? The demon tied her short hair loosely, deeming to cut it shorter, opened the door and begun her search for the letters. Aoi was resting and it was early in the morning, the letters always come around midday anyway, Shinobu will get her stack of letters back.

Her purple diamond irises widened when she saw the smoke out near the porch. The musky smell of smoke made her cough and she bared her teeth. Something was burning and smelled like paper.

By the time she got to the porch, Tomioka was burning her letters. There were still a few left in his hand when he was ripping them and throwing them into the burning fire. Next second before any of them know so, they were both in the ground.

Shinobu had tackled Tomioka to the dirty and dusty ground. She was gripping and pinning his wrist down, baring her teeth like a demon when they have finally caught a meal but here, the demon caught the love of her life? No. She caught a Hashira burning her letters. It wasn't like Shinobu loved or have any romantic feelings towards the letters, it was still a clue to solve her puzzle pieces, a way to past time and someone was finally looking at her only.

"They're not sincere, Shinobu. Don't read them anymore. Forget about them." The water Hashira said.

How could she forget everything? Ever since the first letter she received, the demon was already in a trance. It captivate her and well, it makes her miss her life of four years that they mentioned in the letter. All this started out for her to search for Tomioka, but she's bored now. All the emotional, sentimental, inapprehensive things she had to go through was like a knife stabbing her, the itchy feeling that she couldn't scratch.

Why was Tomioka burning her letters out of all things? How did he even find out?

"Burn them all, Shinobu." He was so pale, so skinny, so stiff. What had happened to him? What ever it is, the demon was agitated and it was so frustrating. It's like a chase between them. But now there was another person.

And Tomioka hates them.

P.s. extremely late update, but I found out where I want the story to go, so here you go :)

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