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When I met you
You caught my eye like no one else
The second I heard your voice
My soul came to life
Begging to be free
You continue to catch my eye every day
And it's not your love for pork tacos
Or your video game skills
It's your heart
So when I love you
I will love you gently
I will learn your soul and teach you mine
And support you even when your ideas are crazy
Because loving you means loving all of you
It means being with you even when I don't like you
Loving you means surrendering myself
Lowering my defenses
And when you love me
I promise to be patient
Because I want to be everything you need
I want to be your shoulder to cry on
And the laughter that belongs to you
I want to exist with you
And not next to you
our existence to be forever intertwined

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