With you

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People say the world doesn't revolve around us
But sometimes
I feel as though my world spins perfectly around you
When you laugh everything stops for a second
And when you smile it's brighter than a million suns
The twinkle in your eyes is more beautiful than the stars
And when you speak a hurricane of emotion runs through me
If only I could put my thoughts into words
I'd write you a five thousand word essay on your beautiful soul
And write you a million songs about your amazing smile
I don't believe in soul mates
But I do believe that my soul mends perfectly to yours
Even when we're polar opposites
We fit perfectly
So maybe the world doesn't revolve around us
But sometimes
I can feel my world pulling me towards you
My sun, my moon, and my stars
Because I don't need a world if I have the galaxy right in front of me.

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