So a crackhead idea??

431 16 14

Era, looking down with obvious distaste in her face: So...why are you fisting a jar of peanut butter?

Jar, clenched fist covered entirely in peanut butter fully in their mouth: *muffled* nUt crEAmY


America: so there's this guy...

Jae: it's Russia, isn't it?

America: tf how'd you guess?

Era: all due respect, even if you're  pissed off or sad or absolutely out of your mind in love, it's always Russia

America: ......


Mexico, visibly shaking: I'm going to fucking crucify your skeleton

Chile, sipping a Pina colada and listening to Green Day: go ahead, pussy. You can't possibly upstage the play of horror that is my mind


Ritz: okay, let's do some team building exercises!

Jae: how bout I exercise putting my foot up your ass?

Col, lacking any emotion: boom.

*Jae slides Col a low five*


Dip: I wish everyone would stop being such little bitches and be fucking happy

Jae: *wipes a lone tear away* I'm so proud of my aggressively preppy daughter and her dedication to forcing her genocide-worthy need for good vibes on others

Era: you both need a mental institute and I'll pay for the treatment.


Belgium Cooks

Belgium: I made breakfast for you!

Netherlands: w-why would you write "go fuck yourself and lose weight" on my waffles in whip cream?

Belgium: .....

Netherlands: .....

Belgium: leave my fucking house, Dutchie


Belgium cooks part 2

Belgium: here you go! One mini chocolate marble cake to go!

Austria: why the fuck is it phallus shaped?

Belgium: because, from what I hear, you only eat dick


Belgium Cooks Part 3

North Korea: I'm going to order a crepe with chocolate drizzle, bananas and chocolate chips

Belgium: okay, anything else?

North Korea: yeah, uh, could you put some uhhh...chicken shit in it? *Whispering to himself*South Korea is gonna pay for that damn prank he pulled

Belgium, having not heard the last part: huh, well I guess you are what you eat, yeah?


Canada: Canadian people are the nicest, most docile people you'll ever meet!

Ukraine: you once told a pigeon to fuck a cactus when it scared you

America: Everytime we see a kid at the park, you always refer to them as "crotch goblins"

Mexico: you wrote an entire essay to Ryan Reynolds saying that you'd literally shit your pants and fuck a dog if he called you his friend

Canada: .....

Canada: ok, but you all can't deny that Ryan Reynolds is hot shit

A/N: Era belongs to small_sugarcube and Jae, Dip, and Ritz belong to me

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