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A/N: Yeah, I decided to do one of those OTP prompt things. I might do another with America and China next :D


"I really just have to say, I'm disappointed in you,

"Join the club," America huffed.

"America you've shown remarkable improvement when you moved here. Why now did you start a fight?"

"Cause assholes get what assholes get. And I just made sure an asshole got it."

UN couldn't even begin to piece together how that made a crack of sense, but she supposed she understood some of it.

"As justified as you think you are, you're still in a heap of trouble, and I can not, and will not tolerate this behavior, especially from you. Your reputation still holds, and I had hoped by now you had left it behind. So, you have lunch detention, and Mr. NATO will see you there."

America sighed. Could be worse. EU could've been overseeing the detention room, but luckily, he only does after school detention.

America exited the room and spotted a taller kid with a familiar hat in his peripheral.

"Aw, did you get lonely without me?" America teased, "The chemistry tubes weren't company enough?"

"Not lonely, just bored. Told teacher I was heading to bathroom. Want to skip?"

"Sure, but I got lunch detention."


They jumped the fence and drove Russia's car to nearby fast food place, and America insisted on Alemillo's. He really wanted carne asada fries.

For the remainder of their period and their next class they sat in the parking lot at a park, eating, and laughing. Germany and Chile covered for them by using a couple of soccer balls, sunglasses, and some hoodies. Chile sent them a blurred selfie of him looking hysterical with the Russia-ball in the seat next to him, face down on the desk, captioned "HE THINKS RUSSIA'S SLEEPING AJFSKAKSADL 😂😂"

When they got back, lunch had started eight minutes ago. America was late for detention.

He waved bye to Russia and speed ran to NATO's room, throwing the door open and apologizing for his tardiness.

"Whatever, come on in, kiddo," NATO rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Yeah, you know how it is, NATO. Traffic--uh! I-I mean, y'know. Hallway traffic! So many busy bodies to shove through, amirite?" He smiled through his lie. He couldn't let NATO know he'd ditched school, and he'd almost slipped up.

America took his phone out to fiddle with, hiding it behind a binder to look busy. When in reality, he was texting his best friend.


Hunky Ruski

Made it<
Almost tole NATO I ditched<
But I saved myself<

>So in other words

You almost played yourself

Ajlsjdjfghsk SHUT<
just focus on the fact that my genius saved me<

>The same genius that almost told teacher you ditched??

You knOW what, I didn't come herE for this A S S A U L T<

>But I did
>Knock knock


"Knock kn--?"


NATO opened the door, and lo and behold, Russia was there, grinning like he'd told a joke he thought was pretty clever, and holding the leftovers from Alemillo's.

"Russia? You have detention too?"

NATO looked back and forth between Russia and America, but America looked just as surprised as he was.

"Da. Caught trying to ditch school," Russia shrugged.

"Alright then, take a seat I guess."


Russia sat next to America, obviously, and smirked.

"Fancy meeting you here," America said, still a little surprised by his presence.


"Why? Are you here??"

"Didn't want to be lonely. Thought I'd join you."

"Aw, you so you do miss me."

Russia rolled his eyes. He picked up the bag by his feet and dropped it on America's desk.

"Just in case you were still hungry."

"Always, dude."

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