Chapter 20 ▪ Fight [ 4 ]

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please don't mind the old art above... I know it looks like garbage but forgive me. I'm still working on the new version! :>


"So what happened?" Sonic asked through the phone.

I sighed, "Cream got angry when I stopped her fight with Jessica."

"Huh? Why? Isn't that a good thing?" Sonic asked, confused. "I thought so too, but she told me after of how she was tired of people treating her like a baby. Apparently, we didn't trust her to handle things on her own." I said in a sad tone.

"We babied her so much that everyone thought she was just using us to protect herself from the bullies when in reality, that's not it. Everyone didn't acknowledge her strength, and treated her like a weakling just because she's small." I added.

I heard Sonic sighed, "Well... I can't blame her. We're also guilty of making her feel that way."

"And it's our fault too that we didn't consider her feelings," I said. "I'll tell Tails later," Sonic said. I smiled, "So how was your day?" "It's okay, I guess." He said.

His voice seems disappointed. "Is something wrong?" I asked, worried. "No, nothing's wrong," Sonic answered. I went silent for a moment, and breathe in deeply. "I can tell somethings wrong," I replied.

He didn't answer for a few seconds before he sighed. "I... I missed a shot during a game today. The coach was not happy." He said, sad. "Oh come on, you've never missed a shot." I giggled, trying to make things lighter.

He chuckled softly, "Heh. I do, sometimes."

"Well, if you do, just know that you're still the best soccer player I've ever known," I said, smiling. Although he couldn't see my smile, I still said it in a happy and reassuring tone.

"Aww, thanks, Ames." Sonic giggled.

I giggled, "You're welcome." We spent the rest of the night with a video call, laughing and eating while chatting. And I was doing my designs for the floats in the festival, while Sonic is giving me ideas.

I was really happy that even so many things have happened recently, I remained happy and positive. Learning that I should never let the bad vibes affect my day, no matter how hard it is. All you gotta do is keep doing what you love, and always remember that you have the support of your friends always.


I yawned, waking up from the chirping birds and the squirrels happily playing outside. I quickly got up and opened the curtains, letting the sun penetrate through my window. I then showered and fixed my hair and face, then wore the outfit I picked out last night.

Once I'm all ready, I then brushed my teeth and get my bag on top of my bed. I quickly ran outside my room and slide down the railings of the stairs, greeting my family before I heard the doorbell ring. "Who's that?" Dad asked, looking up from his laptop.

I smiled, "Sonic." Before I went outside and hugged the hell out of him. "Geez. You're so energetic today." Sonic chuckled.

I giggled, "Of course, because I'm gonna hang out with my best friend today." We then went to the mall and then straight to the movies, but I was afraid of horror, so we went to a funny movie instead.

After watching the movie, we then went out to eat. After deciding what to eat, we have concluded that we were craving some Chinese food and went to BongChoin. After we ordered, we then sat down on a seat outside the mall. Where we could clearly see the beautiful blue sky and the huge garden the mall has, making the view the best part to look at.

"After this, Tails wants us to go to Cream's house to talk," Sonic said, viewing the text he got from Tails just now. I nodded, "Is that really okay without Cream knowing?" Sonic nodded and assured, "Cream should have known sooner or later that we were gonna visit her house at some point, after all, you guys just had a misunderstanding. You're still her friend, that won't change." 

I smiled, "Okay, before that I'll buy something."

"What are you gonna buy?" Sonic asked, curious. "I'm gonna buy Cream a necklace, inspired by her zodiac sign. To remind her that she's always strong, both physically and mentally." I smiled.

"What a great idea, I'll get her some of her favorite sweets too," Sonic said.

The food then came, and we chatted throughout lunch. After leaving a tip, we then went to the store we wanted to buy from. Knowing that we can save more time by separating, we agreed to meet in front of the Gucci store. I then went to a jewelry store, and while I was scanning and trying to find what fits Cream the best.

I then heard an awfully familiar voice. "Yeah, so like you wanna get my bags right now because I can't fit it all in my car's trunk."

I turned around to see Jessica on her phone, with a friend. I rolled my eyes and minded my own business, knowing that there's no good outcome if I talk to her.

"Oh, wow! My favorite batchmate, Amy Rose." I heard Jessica snickered. I turned around and raised my brow, "What do you want, Jessica?"

"Oh, nothing. Just saying hi to my friend. Oh and btw, how's that rabbit? I heard that you guys fought the other day." Jessica cackled, her friend followed. "CREAM is fine, Jessica. No need to gossip about us, ya' know?" I sassed, as I crossed my arms.

"I'm not spreading rumors, I'm just spreading facts," Jessica said, with an evil smirk. "But you did tell Zia yesterday that Amy and Cream--" Her friend said, but Jessica glared at her. "Shut up, Minty." She hissed.

I smiled sweetly, "Spreading rumors? Oh my, Jessica, you shouldn't have! I'm surprised that you can spread something other than your legs." I insulted. I heard the salesladies at the store gasped and laughed, Jessica's face went red in anger, and pulled her friend with her out of the store.

"Geez. Why are other girls mean to other girls?" I muttered, continuing to find a necklace for Cream. "Aha!" I said, pointing to a Sagittarius necklace on a glass case.


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