6/16/2014 - Monday

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So. I haven't posted in a while. I am really bad at being punctual. I make it my goal to post at least once a week. It's so hard though.. I'm sorry guys. I'll try harder.

So. School ended about 2 and a half weeks ago. I miss all my friends. Well technically no, since Jillian considers herself as one of my friends. But she talks behind my back and spreads lies all the time. She's incredibly stupid if she thought I wouldn't find out. I have ears, duh. But I definitely miss my friends, Sonja, Dasha, Debi, Rachel, Rebecka, my other friends that I'm not going to list because the list would be too long, and even people I'm not friends with. It seems weird to not see my classmates everyday. Well, I guess we all know that feeling.

Anyway, I need to catch you guys up on the insignificant details of my life.

Umm well the talent show went well I think? We also hosted the first ever flash mob at my school. I was the MC, or announcer for the talent show, since I'm the co-prez of student council, which hosted the talent show. I was mostly backstage with Sonja, who I snuck in, and Rebecka, who was the sound person. For some reason Ryan was back there too, I don't know why. Come to think of it, I think he was working backstage last year too. Ehh, whatever.

Well, obviously if you're with guys without parental or teacheral (lol) supervision, things are going to happen. And they did.

I saw Ryan looking at me a few times. Nothing big.

Then I had to pull off my shirt backstage. I'm not even kidding. You're probably thinking that I was half naked, but no I wasn't, I had a shirt underneath that shirt. Why, do you ask? I was not only the announcer for the talent show, but also a performer in it. I had my Student Council shirt over my shirt for the performance, so I had to take it off before my act. Which was awkward, because who was working backstage? Ryan.

But that's not the only weird thing that happened. No, there was something even more messed up. A while after the shirt.. thing, Sonja and I were sitting backstage,  which by the way happens to be a computer lab, Ryan was talking to his friends, who were going to be on stage soon. Then his friend comes close to where I am, which is the entrance to the computer lab.

And he said, "Ryan Ackerman loves you."

I glanced over at Ryan to see if he heard. He either didn't hear it or just ignored it or something. So I said, "Umm okay..." Or something like that.

I didn't - and still don't- believe it to be true. Like, even I don't love him. I really like him, but I don't know him well enough to say that I love him. I'm so confused though. Why did he do it? For those readers who don't know me very well, just know that I like to have reasonable explanations for everything. Which is why I must now figure out what is happening.

Reasonable Explanation #1: Ryan's friend is a horrible friend to Ryan,  like Jillian is to me, and he made up that, possibly to make things more awkward, or just to embarass me.

Reasonable Explanation #2: Ryan's friend is just exaggerating things... that would technically have to mean that Ryan likes me a little. So actually that's not very reasonable.

Reasonable Explanation #3.. technically 2: Ryan's friend is not even kidding, Ryan actually does like me... okay yeah that's not reasonable at all either.

So now we know why this happened. His friend is being a jerk. Hmm... I just had a flashback. In the beginning of the year, I sat with my friends at a booth. Ryan's friends were in the booth beside mine,  and he turned around and asked me why I like Ryan. Honestly, I really don't know, so I just told him that, and he didn't believe me so we kinda just answered the question over and over until he stopped.

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