10/19/2014 - Sunday - 3:00 PM

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Things are getting creepy. Aaron's becoming creepier day by day. He's even started begging Jillian to get us together. Stop. Like why? I said no, if he really cared about what I think, then he'd BACK OFF! But obviously he doesn't which is what currently led me to think that he might be a stalker. Like a real one, not a lame one like me. I don't even really stalk people. I literally just remember things I hear, that shouldn't be known as stalking.

So back to Aaron: he could really be a stalker. He knows how to hack computers. He's even hacked into government sites. He could probably hack into my computer and find my stuff, use my webcam to creepily watch me, etc. It's scaring the crap out of me. Hopefully he knows that stalking is bad, but you never know. He's going through depression right now, and it's really making him bipolar.

Anyway, nothing has really happened except this week is exam week and I won't be on because I have to study. We get out early on Thursday and Friday because of it. So yay? K I need to do homework now, so bye.

Lol this pic though. I might be able to recite the Bible in Japanese though, as long as I get to look at an English Bible.

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